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Communication Trustworthiness

Indicator Phrasing

% of the target population receiving information from a source that they trust
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of the target population receiving information from a source that they trust

French: % de la population cible recevant des informations provenant d’une source en laquelle ils ont confiance

Spanish: % de la población destinataria que recibe información de una fuente en la que confía

Portuguese: % da população-alvo que recebe informação de uma fonte em que confia

Czech: % cílové populace dostávající informace ze zdroje, kterému věří

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of the target group members who are receiving information about humanitarian or development programmes, available assistance/services, guidance and/or their rights from a source that they trust.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members:



Q1: There are different ways through which aid agencies provide information to people living in this area. Can you please tell me which source of information you trust the most when it comes to information about [specify the type of information you are interested in, such as “new humanitarian assistance”]?

A1: [adjust the list based on the context you operate in and the type of information]

1) family members

2) local authorities

3) community volunteers

4) community group - specify which one: .......................

5) aid agency staff

6) religious authorities

7) health workers 

8) from a radio station - specify which one: ....................... 

[Probe: Are there any other sources of information that you trust?]



Q2: In the past [specify the period – e.g. a month], through which sources did you receive from [specify the organization's name] information about [specify the type of information you are interested in, such as “new humanitarian assistance”]?

A2: [multiple answers possible; adjust the list based on the context you operate in]

1) family members

2) local authorities

3) community volunteers

4) community group - specify which one: .......................

5) aid agency staff

6) religious authorities

7) health workers 

8) from a radio station - specify which one: ....................... 

9) has not received any information

[Probe: Did you receive this information from anyone else?]



To calculate the indicator's value:

     - count the number of people who received the given information from a source they trust (i.e. at least one of the answers to Q2 is the same as to Q1)

     - divide this number by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not receive any information during the surveyed period)

     - multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age group, ethnicity and other relevant criteria.

Important Comments

1) The source of information should always be a person / group / institution / etc. - it should not be, for example, an information board, text message, or email, as these communication channels can be used by anyone. If you want to know which channel people prefer using, take advantage of the indicator Information Through the Preferred Channel


2) It is highly recommended to include the first question in baseline surveys, as the data helps you ensure that relevant information is communicated through the most trusted channels.


3) It is recommended that you include (after Q1) an additional question asking why the respondent prefers the source(s) s/he mentioned. Such information can help you with deciding on which sources of information to use. 

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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