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Extra-Curricular Activities

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of students participating in extra-curricular activities on a regular basis at least once a [specify the frequency]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of students participating in extra-curricular activities on a regular basis at least once a [specify the frequency]

French: nombre ou % d'élèves participant à des activités extra-scolaires sur une base régulière au moins une fois par [précisez la fréquence]

Portuguese: número ou % de estudantes que participam regularmente em actividades extracurriculares pelo menos uma vez em cada [especifique a frequência]

Czech: počet nebo % studentů, kteří se pravidelně účastní volnočasových aktivit ve škole alespoň jednou za [určete frekvenci]

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number and proportion of children actively involved in regular extra-curricular activities, i.e. activities organized before and/or after the school day, or during school holidays, on school premises. Extra-curricular activities complement formal education and take the form of tutorials, life-skills sessions (e.g. hygiene promotion or environment), arts, sports or entrepreneurial activities.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the data through a combination of the 3 methods

  > interview with school director and/or teachers

  > observation of an extra-curricular activity 

  > review of extra-curricular activity documentation, such as attendance sheets, lesson plans, curriculum and students’ work



Q1: Does your school offer any extra-curricular activities to your students?

A1: yes / no


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: Can you please list all the extra-curricular activities your school offers?

A2: pre-define the most common types of activities + include option “other – specify: ………………"


Q3: How frequently do these activities happen?

A3: _

1) weekly

2) bi-weekly

3) monthly

4) less often

5) other – specify: …………………


Q4: Who leads these activities?

A4: _

1) teachers

2) after-school staff

3) parents

4) students themselves

5) other – specify: ……………


Q5: Do you have any documentation related to the extracurricular activities, such as lesson plans or curriculums? If so, can you please show it to me?

A5: _

1) the respondent could not show any documentation

2) the respondent showed very limited documentation only

3) the respondent showed a range of different documentation


Q6: How are students selected to participate in these activities?

A6: _

1) on a voluntary basis

2) assigned by someone – specify how and by whom: …………………


The indicator is met when the extra-curricular activities:

1) are regular - not less frequent than once a month

2) have a curriculum or an activity plan.

3) have an assigned facilitator(s)

4) are not compulsory for students (they can decide to participate based on their interests)

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as minorities or children with disabilities.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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