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Proportion of Jobs Retained

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of persons that gained employment and retained it for at least [specify the number] months
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of persons that gained employment and retained it for at least [specify the number] months

French: nombre ou % de personnes ayant obtenu un emploi et l'ayant conservé pendant au moins [spécifiez le nombre] mois

Spanish: número o % de personas que obtuvieron un empleo y lo mantuvieron durante al menos [especificar el número] meses

Portuguese: número ou % de pessoas que obtiveram emprego e o mantiveram durante pelo menos [especificar o número] meses

Czech: počet nebo % osob, které získaly zaměstnání a udržely si jej po alespoň [určete počet] měsíců

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of people who gained new employment (part-time or full-time) and retained it for a pre-defined minimum of time. It is an important indicator showing the extent to which the job creation support was effective and can contribute to a longer-term improvement of people’s livelihoods.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the required data by reviewing relevant documentation and conducting phone-based or personal interviews with the persons whom your intervention supported to gain employment. If interviewing all of the people who gained employment is not feasible, use a representative sample.


Introduction: I would like to ask you about your employment for [specify the employer or the type of work the person was supported to do]. I would like to know this information, so that my organization understands the results of the job creation support it provided.

Q1: From which date were you employed?

A1: ……... (record the date)


Q2: Do you still have this job or has it finished?

A2: _

1) yes, the respondent retained the job

2) no, the respondent did NOT retain the job


(ask the following question only if the previous answer was NO)


Q3: What was the last day you went to this job?

Q3: ……... (record the date)


As much as possible, verify the provided information by interviewing the respondent’s employer and colleagues and reviewing the supporting documentation, such as contract, payroll, and other evidence.



To calculate the indicator’s value:

   - count the number of supported persons who gained a job and retained it for the pre-defined minimum period of time

   - divide it by the total number of people who gained a job thanks to the project’s support

   - multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage

   - the resulting number is the percentage of persons that gained new employment and retained it for the pre-defined minimum period of time

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, persons with a disability, type of job (part-time, full-time), salary level and the type of jobs.

Important Comments

1) The minimum duration of employment should not be less than 6 months. If your project timeframe allows, consider assessing and comparing the data for a 6-month as well as 12-month period (always for the same persons).


2) It is recommended that you also ask the people who did not retain their jobs what were the main reasons for leaving their employment.


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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