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Marketing Practices Leading to Higher Sales

Indicator Phrasing

% of [specify: farmers / shop keepers / service providers / ... ] reporting higher sales as a result of using the promoted marketing practices
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of [specify: farmers / shop keepers / service providers / ... ] reporting higher sales as a result of using the promoted marketing practices

French: % de [spécifiez: agriculteurs / commerçants / prestataires de services / ... ] qui déclarent des ventes plus élevées grâce à l'utilisation des pratiques commerciales promues

Spanish: % de [especifique: agricultores/comerciantes/proveedores de servicios/...] que informan de un aumento de las ventas como resultado de la utilización de las prácticas de comercialización promovidas

Portuguese: % de [especifique: agricultores / proprietários de lojas / prestadores de serviços / ...] que reportam vendas mais altas como resultado do uso das práticas de marketing promovidas

Czech: % [určete: farmářů / prodejců / poskytovatelů služeb / ... ] uvádějících vyšší tržby díky používání propagovaných marketingových praktik

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of businesses that report achieving higher sales as a result of using the marketing practices promoted by the intervention. It shows the perceived effectiveness of using the promoted marketing practices.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Use this methodology to identify producers / sellers / service providers who have in a recent period (e.g. the past 12 months) used at least some of the promoted marketing practices.


2) Ask them about the following information:

Q1: In your opinion, to what extent has the use of [specify the promoted marketing practices the respondent’s business has used] influenced the total volume of your sales? Would you say that some of these practices helped you increase the sales or that they did not have a significant impact on the sales?

A1: increased sales / no significant impact on sales / does not know


3) To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents reporting increased sales as a result of using the promoted marketing practices by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not know). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and the type of business they are engaged in.

Important Comments

1) If you want to measure the extent to which the respondents have increased their sales, you can ask them the following question. The respondents might not be able to tell you the exact percentage and therefore you should agree (and practice) with the data collectors on how to determine it (for example, by asking for the average sales before and after the change, keeping seasonal changes in mind).

Q2: Would you be able to tell me how much your sales have increased thanks to these marketing practices?


1) less than 20%

2) 20 - 39%

3) 40 - 59%

4) 60 - 79%

5) 80 - 99%

5) 100 - 149%

6) 150 - 199%

7) more than 200%

8) is not able or willing to say



2) It is recommended that you also measure which of the marketing practices that were used by the sellers / service providers perceived as most effective and why (it is recommended to include those that were and were not promoted by the intervention; later, you can disaggregate the results based on the practices that were and were not promoted). You can assess their effectiveness by asking:

Q3: In your experience, what was the marketing practice that helped you the most to increase your sales? Please select only one most effective practice.

A3: include a list of marketing practices (both those that were and were not promoted)


Q4: In your opinion, why was this practice the most effective one?

A4: specify: ________________



3) Consider including an additional question asking the respondents who said that the marketing practices did not help them increase sales for their opinion of why the practices were not helpful



4) While this indicator can show whether the promoted marketing practices were perceived to increase the sales, it does not tell you whether their financial benefits were higher than the invested costs. To assess this important information, consider using the Return on Investment indicator.

Access Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by People in Need (with inputs provided by Farm Africa) ©

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