Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) List the measures implemented by the project that might contribute to carbon sequestration.
2) For each measure, conduct online research using respected sources (such as IPCC) to review the latest scientific evidence on the extent to which the measures contribute to carbon sequestration and how reliable they are. For example, no-till farming contributes to carbon sequestration. However, when a farmer decides to till the land again, the carbon benefits of no-till farming mostly diminish (1). Select those measures for which reliable research bodies confirm that they are effective in a longer-term removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.
3) Assess the size of land where the effective measures were used:
- using existing monitoring data (e.g. on the size of reforested areas)
- conducting interviews with a representative sample of farmers, assessing whether they are following the promoted measures (see guidance) and if so, on how large an area
4) To calculate the indicator’s value, work out the sum total of all the pieces of land where the measures, which demonstrably lead to carbon sequestration, were used.