1) Begin by deciding which option or combination of the three options to measure: girls and boys who transition (1) into formal education from non-formal education (NFE), or (2) into the next level of NFE or (3) into the next academic year of formal education.
2) Determine the point in time at which data will be collected for the baseline/endline of the project (i.e. the start/end of the project, the start/end of the school year/NFE cycle, after the first 3 months of the school year (when numbers are more stabilised, etc). that works best for the project). Where the action/activity being measured continues or builds on a previous project or intervention, consider utilising the previous data as a baseline or to measure ongoing change and impact over a longer time period).
3) Determine the baseline value of the number of children enrolled in a school or learning space at that point in time.
4) At the endline stage, gather enrolment data from school or learning spaces records to measure the number of children who have successfully transitioned into the next level of their education (as per the categories above). If the data isn’t available from the schools or learning spaces, collect data from parents/caregivers by conducting individual interviews, household surveys or sample-based enrolment verification surveys (telephone or in person) with a representative sample of the target group members. Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.
5) Divide the number of children who have successfully transitioned into the next level by the total number of children who were enrolled in the chosen level. Multiply the resulting number by 100 to get the percentage of children who have transitioned to the next level of their education.