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Transition to Formal Education / Further Non-Formal Education

Indicator Phrasing

% of targeted girls and boys who transition (1) into formal education from non-formal education (NFE), or (2) into the next level of NFE or (3) into the next academic year of formal education
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of targeted girls and boys who transition (1) into formal education from non-formal education (NFE), or (2) into the next level of NFE or (3) into the next academic year of formal education

French: % de filles et de garçons ciblés qui passent (1) de l'éducation non formelle (ENF) à l'éducation formelle, ou (2) au niveau suivant de l'ENF ou (3) à l'année scolaire suivante de l'éducation formelle

Spanish: % de niñas y niños objetivo que pasan (1) de la educación no formal (ENF) a la educación formal, o (2) al siguiente nivel de educación no formal (ENF) o (3) al siguiente curso académico de educación formal.

Portuguese: % de raparigas e rapazes seleccionados que transitam (1) do educação não formal (ENF) para o educação formal, ou (2) para o nível seguinte de ENF ou (3) para o ano escolar seguinte de educação formal

Czech: % cílových dívek a chlapců, kteří přecházejí (1) do formálního vzdělávání z neformálního vzdělávání nebo (2) do dalšího stupně neformálního vzdělávání nebo (3) do dalšího školního roku formálního vzdělávání

What is its purpose?

The purpose of this indicator is to measure a child’s transition in their education levels, whether within formal education or NFE systems, or from NFE into formal education. Transition means the targeted child was registered in one grade (or NFE level) and is then enrolled in the next level (or into formal education) at the end of the action.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Begin by deciding which option or combination of the three options to measure: girls and boys who transition (1) into formal education from non-formal education (NFE), or (2) into the next level of NFE or (3) into the next academic year of formal education.


2) Determine the point in time at which data will be collected for the baseline/endline of the project (i.e. the start/end of the project, the start/end of the school year/NFE cycle, after the first 3 months of the school year (when numbers are more stabilised, etc). that works best for the project). Where the action/activity being measured continues or builds on a previous project or intervention, consider utilising the previous data as a baseline or to measure ongoing change and impact over a longer time period).


3) Determine the baseline value of the number of children enrolled in a school or learning space at that point in time.


4) At the endline stage, gather enrolment data from school or learning spaces records to measure the number of children who have successfully transitioned into the next level of their education (as per the categories above). If the data isn’t available from the schools or learning spaces, collect data from parents/caregivers by conducting individual interviews, household surveys or sample-based enrolment verification surveys (telephone or in person) with a representative sample of the target group members.  Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.


5) Divide the number of children who have successfully transitioned into the next level by the total number of children who were enrolled in the chosen level. Multiply the resulting number by 100 to get the percentage of children who have transitioned to the next level of their education.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregation of the data can be done by location, age group, gender, level of education, type of learning space, ethnicity, mother tongue, wealth quintile, disability, displacement status and or other specific vulnerable groups, as relevant. Data can also be disaggregated by the different indicator components i.e. children who transition from NFE to formal education versus those who continue NFE or move to the next level of formal education.

Disaggregation of data by disability type should use the Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (or for actions with specialised responses to disabilities use the complete WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module) or equivalent.

Important Comments

1) This is an ECHO KOI Indicator.


2) When it fits within the intervention logic, enrolment data should be verified to ensure that it is indicative of children’s actual attendance in school or learning space. This can be done through checking attendance levels at the school or learning space level. If enrolment levels are vastly different from attendance levels, it may be preferable to base measurement on an average attendance rate instead (see related indicator on Net Attendance Rate). Be clear about which is being used in any analysis and reporting. Where verification is not feasible at school or learning space level, alternative methods (e.g. surveys) should be identified.


3) Related indicators:


        - % of targeted girls and boys who are retained in education at the end of the action

     Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

        - 4.1.2 Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education)


        - number of girls and boys enrolled in [optional: and retained in] [select: formal/non-formal] education in a given school year, NFE cycle or project period (see Enrolment indicator)

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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