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Amount of Production

Indicator Phrasing

average / total amount of production of [specify the product] in the past [specify the period]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: average / total amount of production of [specify the product] in the past [specify the period]

French: moyenne / montant total de la production de [spécifiez le produit] pendant [spécifiez la période] passée

Spanish: cantidad media / total de producción de [especificar el producto] en el pasado [especificar el período]

Portuguese: média / valor total de produção de [especificar produto] no passado [especificar período]

Czech: průměrný / celkový objem produkce [určete produkt] za posledních [určete časové období]

What is its purpose?

This is a basic supply indicator measuring the quantity of a given product (e.g. metric tons of a certain type of crop / litres of sunflower oil / number of fuel-efficient stoves) produced by the target group members over a set period of time.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

If you want to assess the volume of agricultural produce, use the guidance available in the Reported Agricultural Output indicator.


If you know that you will need to measure the volume of non-agricultural production, first assess whether the target producers have a reliable system of systematically recording the amount of the products you are interested in (including whether they are able to report on the period you are interested in alone). If such a system is not in place (or is not likely to be reliable), discuss with the producers the possibility of them keeping regular records and supporting them in doing so.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need (with inputs provided by Farm Africa) ©

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