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Product / Service’s Perceived Contribution to Higher Production

Indicator Phrasing

% of targeted producers reporting an increase in their production as a result of using [specify the types of services / products]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of targeted producers reporting an increase in their production as a result of using [specify the types of services / products]

French: % de producteurs cibles faisant état d’une augmentation de leur production résultant de l’utilisation de [spécifiez les types de services / produits]

Spanish: % de productores a los que se dirige el proyecto que informan de un aumento de su producción como resultado del uso de [especificar los tipos de servicios / productos].

Portuguese: % de produtores-alvo que declaram um aumento da sua produção como resultado da utilização de [especifique tipos de serviço / produtos]

Czech: % cílových producentů uvádějících zvýšení své produkce v důsledku využívání [určete typ služeb / produktů]

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures whether people who used the promoted service(s) / product(s) believe that their use has contributed to an increase in the production of the given goods (e.g. crops, animals, processed products, clothes and other goods). It is based on people’s perceptions, not on actual measurements. It is important to acknowledge that other factors (such as weather conditions) could have influenced the production levels.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative number of the target group members:



Q1: In the past [specify the period], did your household use [specify the promoted product or service]?

A1: yes / no / does not know


(ask the following question only if the previous response is YES)


Q2: In your opinion, did the use of [specify the product / service] have any influence on your production of [specify what the respondent produces]? Please give me an honest answer. 

A2: _

1) it helped increase the production

2) it did not have any impact on the production

3) it negatively affected the production

4) does not know



To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents who reported an increase in their production as a result of using the promoted product(s) / service(s) by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not know). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by male/female headed households, wealth, and other criteria relevant to the focus and context of your intervention.  

Important Comments

1) If you want to measure the extent to which production levels have changed, you can choose from the following two methodologies (use only if the answer to Q2 is “it helped increase the production”). Before you decide to use your selected method, pilot it to see how well it works in the local context.


If the respondents (and your enumerators) are well-educated and find it easy to work with percentages:

Q1: Would you be able to tell me by how much the production of [specify the produce] has increased thanks to using [specify the product / service]?


1) less than 20%

2) 20 – 39%

3) 40 – 59%

4) 60 – 79%

5) 80 – 99%

5) 100 – 149%

6) 150 – 199%

7) more than 200%

8) is not able or willing to say


If the respondent is illiterate:

Use participatory methods to estimate the change in the respondent’s production. For example, using 10 stones representing the respondent’s total production before using the promoted product / service and asking the respondent to add stones depending on the extent to which production has increased as a result of using the product / service. For example, adding 5 stones (= half of the 10 stones) means that the production has increased by 50%; adding 1 stone represents an increase of 10%. If you use this method, ensure that the data collectors are able to explain to the respondents the meaning and the value of the stones in an easy-to-understand way. Conducting this exercise with more family members present (e.g. husband and wife) can help triangulate / verify the accuracy of the information being shown. Test this method in your target area before you use it.



2) Be realistic about when it is appropriate to use this indicator and how you should interpret its results. For example, if the only encounter with a veterinarian is when attending a formal training (with no follow-up support), it is unlikely that this will lead to a measurable increase in the farmer’s production. The indicator is most suitable when it is realistic to expect that the use of the given product / service will lead to a measurable increase in farmers’ production.



3) Ensure that when Q2 is translated, it is phrased in a neutral way so that the respondent does not feel that s/he is expected to say that her/his production has increased as a result of using the product / service that was supported by your organization.



4) It is important to acknowledge that the reported increase in based on the respondents’ perceptions and that other factors (such as weather conditions) could have influenced the changes in their production.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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