Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define the criteria for a platform to be considered as institutionalized (this also includes operational). The criteria should always depend on the context of your intervention and the exact purpose of the platform. For example:
- there is a stakeholder (e.g. a local authority) that has officially committed to be responsible for the operation of the platform even after the supporting intervention is over (ideally, this commitment was also confirmed in writing – see point below)
- there is a written and officially approved agreement or terms of reference detailing the purpose of the group, the participants, how often they will meet, who will pay the required costs, and other responsibilities
- the platform has regular meetings
- the meetings are attended by the relevant stakeholders
- the meetings generate clear conclusions / action points
2) Agree whether all the criteria must be met or whether it is acceptable that a smaller part of less important criteria is not fully met.
3) Conduct interviews with the relevant stakeholders / participants, review relevant documents, and/or attend the platform meetings to identify which of the criteria are met.
4) Based on the results of step 3, conclude whether the public-private platform is institutionalized.