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Proposition of Business Environment Changes

Indicator Phrasing

number of proposals for improving the existing business environment that were officially submitted to and discussed with the relevant authorities
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of proposals for improving the existing business environment that were officially submitted to and discussed with the relevant authorities

French: nombre de propositions pour améliorer l’environnement commercial actuel qui ont été officiellement soumises aux autorités compétentes et discutées avec elles

Spanish: número de propuestas de mejora del contexto empresarial que se presentaron oficialmente a las autoridades competentes y se debatieron con ellas

Portuguese: número de propostas para melhorar o ambiente empresarial existente que foram oficialmente apresentadas e discutidas com as autoridades competentes

Czech: počet návrhů na zlepšení stávajícího podnikatelského prostředí, které byly oficiálně podány a prodiskutovány s relevantními autoritami

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of proposals for improving the existing business environment that were officially submitted to and discussed with the relevant authorities. This can include, for example, a change of government policies, the way they are implemented but also amendments to various procedures and regulations (e.g. business registration, permits, taxation) as well as less demanding proposals (e.g. improving access to electricity).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define the criteria specifying what counts as “officially submitted” and “officially discussed”. For example, officially submitted means that a senior member of staff from a relevant authority received a written proposal of the types of changes proposed and why. “Officially discussed” means that these changes were formally discussed during a dedicated meeting with a senior staff member from the given authority.


2) Use key informant interviews (with the project staff, the relevant authority, and other stakeholders) and reviews of relevant documents (e.g. meeting minutes) to assess whether the criteria were met.


3) Count the number of proposals where the criteria defined in the first point were met.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

Propose Improvements