Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative number of the target group members:
The data enumerators should first explain the change(s) in the business environment that took place as a result of the intervention. Ensure that they explain these in a very neutral manner – stating only what has changed and not expressing whether such changes were positive or not (otherwise, they might influence the respondent, and you will receive unreliable data). As a second step, they should ask:
Q1: Have you heard about this change before?
A1: yes / no / is not sure
Q2: In your opinion, has the change had any positive or negative influence on your business? Clarify: If you do not know whether it had any influence, that is also fine, feel free to tell me.
A2: _
- it had a positive influence
- it had a negative influence
- it did not have any influence
- does not know
(the following question is recommended but not mandatory; ask it only if the responded replied that the change had a positive influence)
Q3: What were the main positives that you experienced as a result of the change?
A3: (adjust the options based on your context; multiple answers possible; probe: Have you experienced any other positives?)
1) higher sales
2) cost savings
3) time savings
4) access to better quality products
5) access to a wider range of products
6) easier access to services (e.g. financial services, energy)
7) opportunity to voice business-related concerns to authorities or other relevant stakeholders
8) define other possible answers based on the context of your intervention
9) other – specify: …………………………………
To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents who reported a positive influence by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not know). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.