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Adoption of the Promoted Technologies

Indicator Phrasing

% of [specify the target group] that actively use at least [specify number] of the promoted technologies
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of [specify the target group] that actively use at least [specify number] of the promoted technologies

French: % de [spécifiez le groupe cible] qui utilisent activement au moins [spécifiez le nombre] des technologies promues

Spanish: % de [especifique el grupo objetivo] que utiliza activamente al menos [especifique el número] de las tecnologías promovidas

Portuguese: % de [especificar o grupo-alvo] que utilizam activamente pelo menos [especificar o número] das tecnologias promovidas

Czech: počet nebo % [určete cílovou skupinu], kteří aktivně používají alespoň [určete počet] propagovaných technologií

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the extent to which were the promoted technologies adopted by the target businesses. Such technologies can include, for example, solar technologies used to ensure product quality (e.g. a fridge for a vet shop to store vaccines), a mobile application linking producers to buyers of their products, or improved drying technologies that allow for value to be added to vegetable production.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Make a list of the technologies the intervention promotes.


2) For each technology, specify what exactly it means to “actively use it” – how it should be used, how often, for how long, for what purposes, etc. For example, the active use of a mobile phone application in an agricultural market production could require that an account has been established in the producer’s/enterprise’s name, that it is used at least once per agricultural season, and that it has been used for more than one season for the purpose of accessing market information or buyer contacts.


3) Collect the required information by asking a representative sample of the target group members (e.g. veterinarians; or household representatives) whether they a) have used the technology and b) have used it for the minimum required time. If the reply is YES, ask additional (pre-prepared) questions that will help you determine whether the technology is used in line with the key criteria defined in the previous step. If possible, verify the answers by conducting observations. Repeat this process for all the assessed methodologies.


4) Count the number of respondents who “actively use” the minimum number of technologies, as defined by your indicator.


5) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who “actively use” the minimum number of technologies by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and age group (if you focus on individuals), female-headed households (if you focus on households), location, and by the types of technology used.

Important Comments

1) Do not be overly ambitious – if you promote technologies that are not easy to adopt (due to their costs, perceived risks, etc.), it is recommended that you measure the percentage of target group members that actively use at least one (i.e. not more) of the promoted technologies.


2) Consider also asking the respondents about why they did (not) use the promoted technologies.

Access Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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