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Perceived Ease of Use

Indicator Phrasing

% of target group members that perceive [specify the product] as easy to use
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target group members that perceive [specify the product] as easy to use

French: % de membres du groupe cible qui considèrent [spécifier le produit] comme facile d’emploi

Spanish: % de miembros del grupo destinatario que perciben que [especifique el producto] es fácil de usar

Portuguese: % dos membros do grupo-alvo que consideram [especificar o produto] como fácil de usar

Czech: % členů cílové skupiny, kteří si myslí, že používat [určete produkt] je snadné

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion of targeted group members (either product users or non-users) who think that the promoted product is easy to use. Such products can, for example, include a domestic biodigester, a digital payment system, or crop processing equipment. The extent to which people perceive a product as easy to use has a significant impact on its usage and commercial take-up.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value using the following methodology:


1) Decide whether you will collect the data from people who are already using the product (the ‘users’) or from people who are not using it but are aware of the product (the ‘non-users’).

Collecting data from the users will tell you how easy or difficult it is for them to use the product. Such data can help to improve customer service, the development of instruction manuals, the adjustment of marketing interventions as well as how to refine the design of the product.

On the other hand, collecting data from non-users can help you understand their perceptions regarding the product’s ease of use. Due to their lack of experience with the practice, their perceptions might be ‘incorrect’. However, since people are heavily influenced by what they think, understanding these perceptions can help to improve the marketing strategy (e.g. by focusing on addressing common misconceptions).


2) Conduct individual interviews with a representative sample of your target group members:

   - First, assess whether a respondent uses the product (see relevant guidance). If you are measuring the perceptions of non-users, asses whether they are aware of the product (only people who are aware of the product should be asked about the ease-of-use).

   - Next, assess the respondent’s perception of how easy or difficult it is to use the product (A1 below). Additionally, it is recommended to assess the reasons for her/his opinion (A2 below). In the case of users, it is also recommended to assess what could make it easier to use the product (A3 below). 


Q1: “In your opinion, how easy or difficult is it to use [specify the product]? Would you say that it is very easy, quite easy, a bit difficult or very difficult to use it?”

A1: very easy; quite easy; a bit difficult; very difficult; does not know.


(the following questions are not mandatory but are highly recommended; ask them only if the previous answer is ‘a bit difficult’ or ‘very difficult’)


Q2: “Why do you think that it is difficult to use the product?”

A2: provide pre-defined answers + option ‘other – specify: ………………’


Q3: “What would make it easier for you to use this product?”

A3: provide pre-defined answers + option ‘other – specify: ………………’



- It is very important that you keep probing: “What else would make it easier?”; “Anything else?”


To calculate the indicator’s value:

  - count the number of respondents who stated that the product is either very easy or quite easy;

  - divide this by the total number of respondents (excluding those who did not know)

  - multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, wealth category, number of months the interviewee has used the product, and other criteria relevant to the context and focus of your intervention.

Important Comments

1) Take into consideration that perceived ease of use of a product might change depending on the amount of time that the interviewee has utilized the product for. As such, it is advisable to measure for how long the respondent has used the product and then compare the perceptions of groups that have used the product for a similar amount of time.


2) Perceived ease of use is often correlated with the target groups’ perception of its usefulness. In the case that a certain product is not considered easy to use, it is possible that the target group does not find it as useful or beneficial (e.g. utilizing solar power instead of a diesel generator). Consider also investigating the respondents’ perceptions of the usefulness and the benefits they associate with the product.


3) Consider training partner companies’ sales staff (e.g. solar technology provider companies) on the use of this indicator. The data collected can provide an important opportunity for companies to analyse and adjust marketing strategies and/or develop customer-support services.


4) Consider conducting this survey with different target groups before and after a partner company that markets this product has made improvements to the product or to customer services that could have led to improved ease of use. Such a comparison can offer useful insights into the effectiveness of the adjustments made.


5) When assessing people’s awareness of a product, always show the product or its photo to avoid any misunderstandings regarding the product the survey is asking about.  


6) When interviewing non-users, it is recommended that the enumerators explain to the respondent that if s/he does not know how easy or difficult it is to use the product, it is perfectly fine if s/he says so. This will reduce the risk of non-users saying something just because they feel like they should say it.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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