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Click-through Rate

Indicator Phrasing

the click-through rate of the communicated content
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: the click-through rate of the communicated content

French: taux de clics sur le contenu communiqué

Spanish: la tasa de clics en los contenidos comunicados

Portuguese: taxa de cliques do conteúdo comunicado

Czech: míra prokliku na sdělovaný obsah

What is its purpose?

The click-through rate is the proportion of people reached by the communicated content and subsequently clicking on a provided link. Compared to just measuring clicks, it provides deeper insights into how your communication motivates people to take action or learn more about the communicated topic. The higher the click-through rate is, the better the quality of the campaign.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Count the total reach of the social media content you are interested in using this guidance.


2) Using this guidance, count the total number of clicks the same content received.


3) To determine the indicator’s value, divide the total number of clicks by the total reach. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage. The percentage is the “click-through rate”.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by social media channels and other factors relevant to the focus of your social media campaign.

Important Comments

1) The value of a “good” click-through rate differs significantly depending on what social media you use. If you need a rough idea of what is feasible for the social media you are using, use an online search (type the name of a social media platform and “what is a good click-through rate”). A good click-through rate in non-profit social media campaigns is usually around one percent.


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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