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Adopted Recommendations

Indicator Phrasing

number of recommendations for [define the purpose] that were adopted by relevant decision-makers
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of recommendations for [define the purpose] that were adopted by relevant decision-makers

French: nombre de recommandations pour [définir l’objet] qui ont été adoptées par les décideurs concernés

Spanish: número de recomendaciones para [defina el propósito] adoptadas por los responsables de la toma de decisiones pertinentes

Portuguese: número de recomendações para [definir o propósito] que foram adoptadas pelos responsáveis de tomada de decisão relevantes

Czech: počet doporučení pro [definujte účel], která byla přijata příslušnými rozhodovacími orgány

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures how successful a project’s advocacy efforts were in ensuring that their recommendations are adopted by relevant decision-makers. The recommendations do not need to be concerned with high-level policy changes only – they can be about the work that the public and private actors are doing at the district or regional levels (e.g. how certain policies are implemented or services provided).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define when a recommendation can be counted as “adopted”. This can include, for example:

      - specific actions taken demonstrating that the recommended measures are being used

      - any official documents / policies confirming that a recommendation was officially adopted and is being used in practice

      - additional criteria might include: allocation of financial / human resources for implementing the recommendation; inclusion of the recommendation in a work plan; etc.

      - in some instances, official posts on decision-makers’ social media channels could also be used


2) Use key informant interviews and reviews of relevant documentation to assess whether the criteria were met and why the change happened. The ‘why’ aspect is very important, as you should be able to prove that the project has contributed to the change.


3) Count the number of recommendations that were adopted (based on the criteria defined in point 1) thanks to the project’s advocacy efforts. 


Important Comments

1) For the sake of learning, provide qualitative insights on how the advocacy campaign contributed to the recommendations being adopted.


2) Ensure that the project team archives those relevant documents which provide evidence of which measures were adopted by the authorities. Such documents can include, for example, announcements, documents showing funding allocation, or meeting minutes.


3) Often, advocacy is most effective when done in coalition with others and/or when there are multiple voices calling for a particular change. Therefore, the project does not need to be the only factor that has contributed to the change.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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