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Representation in Relevant Fora

Indicator Phrasing

increased representation in fora relevant to the advocacy objectives
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: increased representation in fora relevant to the advocacy objectives

French: représentation accrue dans les forums pertinents pour les objectifs de plaidoyer

Spanish: mayor representación en los foros relacionados con los objetivos de incidencia

Portuguese: aumento da representação em fóruns relevantes para os objectivos de advocacia

Czech: zvýšené zastoupení na fórech relevantních pro advokační cíle

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the extent to which the advocacy team members are actively represented in local, national or international fora relevant to the advocacy objectives. Such representation is essential in building the influence needed to achieve the desired changes.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define the fora most relevant to your advocacy efforts. These fora should be a limited number of platforms attended by people who can contribute to achieving the objectives of your advocacy efforts, such as government officials.


2) Use interviews with the advocacy team members to understand the extent to which they are involved in such fora, including:

   - how many fora do they participate in

   - how actively they participate in them / what influence they have

   - how influential are the fora in which they participate, compared to other relevant fora


3) To report on the indicator, describe how the representation in the relevant fora has changed during the reported period (presumably, how it has increased).


Important Comments

1) Advocacy is a collaborative endeavour. It requires strategic engagement with others. It is also true that a lot of time can be spent engaging in multiple fora with few precise results. Therefore, it is imperative as part of any advocacy plan to decide (i) in which fora to engage, (ii) why, (iii) with what level of resources, and (iv) to what end

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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