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Engagement with Decision Makers

Indicator Phrasing

number of engagements with relevant decision-makers regarding the advocacy efforts
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of engagements with relevant decision-makers regarding the advocacy efforts

French: nombre d'engagements avec des décideurs pertinents concernant les efforts de plaidoyer

Spanish: número de interacciones con responsables de la toma de decisiones en relación con los esfuerzos de incidencia

Portuguese: número de acções de envolvimento com responsáveis pelas tomadas de decisão relevantes relativamente aos esforços de advocacia

Czech: počet setkání s příslušnými rozhodujícími činiteli v souvislosti s advokačními aktivitami

What is its purpose?

This indicator shows the extent to which the project team members engage with relevant decision-makers who can influence the results of the advocacy efforts.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define who can be considered “relevant decision-makers”. These should be people who influence the results of the advocacy efforts. For example, officials of relevant authorities, company representatives, service providers, etc. Use of a tool like Influence Tree - or a similar tool, e.g. Stakeholder Mapping - is recommended to identify the people who have the most influence on the success of your advocacy work. Guidance on the use of the Influence Tree tool is included in Helvetas’ Advocacy Toolkit available below.


2) Define what can count as “engagement”. For example, it can include personal meetings, email exchanges, events, submission of policy proposals, and other forms of engagement where the advocated topic is discussed.


3) Review relevant resources (e.g. meeting minutes, reports) and conduct interviews with the campaign team members to assess the number of formal meetings with relevant decision-makers.


4) The resulting number is the indicator’s value.


Disaggregate by

Consider disaggregating the data by the decision-makers’ positions / seniority and by the types of engagement.

Important Comments

1) Complement the value of this indicator with qualitative information on the outcomes of the “engagements”, such as what insights were gained, what was agreed, etc.


2) Since it might be difficult for the relevant staff to recall how many times they engaged with different decision-makers, it is important to document all the ‘engagements’ and ensure that each engagement is recorded by the project’s monitoring and reporting system.

Access Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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