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Partnerships for Advocacy

Indicator Phrasing

number of existing and new partnerships for implementing advocacy efforts
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of existing and new partnerships for implementing advocacy efforts

French: nombre de partenariats nouveaux et existants pour la mise en œuvre des efforts de plaidoyer

Spanish: número de asociaciones existentes y nuevas para llevar a cabo actividades de incidencia

Portuguese: número de parcerias novas e já existentes para a implementação de esforços de advocacia

Czech: počet stávajících a nových partnerství pro realizaci advokačních aktivit

What is its purpose?

Engaging and working in partnership with numerous organisations is essential for some advocacy campaigns. This indicator indicates how many partnerships an advocacy campaign managed to maintain and establish. The partnerships can be with civil society organisations and government or commercial actors.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define what can be considered a “partnership”. This definition should help you avoid that a largerly passive collaboration is counted as a partnership.


2) Count the number of official partnerships that existed at the beginning of a project (when this indicator was used for the first time) and were maintained throughout the relevant parts of the advocacy efforts. These are considered “existing partnerships”.


3) Count the number of official partnerships that were established in the course of the project. These are considered “new partnerships”.


4) To determine the indicator’s value, add up the number of existing and new partnerships.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by new vs. existing partnerships and by the type of partners (e.g. civil society actor, government actor, commercial actor).

Important Comments

1) Supplement this indicator with qualitative information on 1) the quality and impact of the partnerships and 2) the project’s contribution towards making the partnerships happen and working effectively.


2) It is important to be as clear as possible about the level of ambition in terms of partnership and continue to revisit and revise as necessary.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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