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Papers Published and Disseminated

Indicator Phrasing

number of papers published and disseminated to key stakeholders
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of papers published and disseminated to key stakeholders

French: nombre d'articles prévus qui ont été publiés et partagés avec les principales parties prenantes

Spanish: número de artículos publicados y difundidos a los principales actores

Portuguese: número de artigos publicados e divulgados junto das principais partes interessadas

Czech: počet advokačních dokumentů, které byly zveřejněny a předány klíčovým zúčastněným stranám

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures how active an advocacy campaign was in preparing and disseminating papers relating to the advocacy efforts, such as position papers, policy briefs, case studies, distilled data analyses, and research.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define what counts as a “paper”. It should include documents such as position papers, policy briefs, case studies, distilled data analyses, research findings, and other relevant documents.


2) Define what counts as “disseminated to key stakeholders”. Consider agreeing internally on some minimum requirements for adequate dissemination. For example, which channels need to be used, how many people should be reached, etc.


3) Use key informant interviews and reviews of relevant resources (e.g. reports) to count the number of papers published and disseminated to key stakeholders.


Important Comments

1) Complement the indicator’s value with more qualitative information on, for example, the topics of the papers, who was reached, what effect the dissemination had, etc.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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