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Satisfaction with Provided Assistance

Indicator Phrasing

% of target group members reporting to be satisfied with the provided assistance
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target group members reporting to be satisfied with the provided assistance

French: % des membres du groupe cible qui se déclarent satisfaits de l'assistance fournie

Spanish: % de miembros del grupo destinatario que se declaran satisfechos con la asistencia prestada

Portuguese: % de membros do grupo-alvo que declaram estar satisfeitos com a assistência prestada

Czech: % členů cílové skupiny, kteří uvedli spokojenost s poskytnutou pomocí

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of the target group members who were satisfied with the provided assistance, especially its usefulness. It indicates the relevance and quality of the assistance.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of your target group members:



Q1: Can you please tell me the extent to which you were satisfied with [specify the provided support], especially with its usefulness? There are no right or wrong answers – please answer according to your true feelings.

A1: very satisfied / fairly satisfied / rather unsatisfied / very unsatisfied


(the following questions are not mandatory; only ask them if the previous answer is rather unsatisfied or very unsatisfied)


Q2: Why were you not satisfied?

A2: (adjust and expand the options based on the type of assistance, the local context, and answers provided when pre-testing the questionnaire; multiple options are possible)

1) I did not need it (all or part of it)

2) I did not know how to use it

3) the quality was poor

4) it arrived too late

5) the distribution site was too far

6) it created tensions in my family

7) it created tensions in my community

8) other - specify: ................................


Q3: How would you suggest we prevent such problems in the future?

A3: specify: ......................................



To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents who reported being "very satisfied" or "fairly satisfied" by the total number of interviewed respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age groups, geographical area, persons with disability, and other vulnerability criteria.

Important Comments

1) Beware that people might be hesitant to provide their sincere opinion (this can be due to cultural reasons, fear of losing access to further assistance, pressure from another person, etc.). It is crucial that the enumerators:

   - clearly explain why they are conducting the survey (e.g. to learn how the organization can improve its work)

   - assure the respondents of confidentiality

   - assure the respondents that their responses do not have any influence on whether they will receive any other assistance


2) Consider asking people separately about their satisfaction with different aspects of the assistance – e.g. its content, timing, the way it was provided, etc.


3) Consider also asking the people satisfied with the provided assistance what suggestions they have on improving the delivery of assistance.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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