Determine the degree to which the indicator is fulfilled by using the following methodology:
1) Use a review of documents and interviews with key informants (e.g. the project staff) to assess whether protection risks related to the project activities were identified. The risks are usually identified by conducting a protection risk analysis. If they were identified, assess how they were identified and whether the assessment considered all four areas of protection mainstreaming:
- prioritizing safety and dignity and avoiding causing harm
- ensuring meaningful access
- ensuring accountability
- ensuring participation and empowerment
Consider also assessing whether the overview of key risks was updated in the course of the project, as it is possible that new risks emerged and/or some became more significant. A similar update should then be done for designing and implementing relevant measures.
2) If the risks related to project activities were identified in a comprehensive manner, use a review of documents and key informant interviews (e.g. with the project staff) to assess whether relevant measures were designed to mitigate the risks. Consider whether the measures were designed for the vast majority or for all the identified risks.
3) If relevant risk mitigation measures were designed, use a review of documents and key informant interviews to assess the extent to which they were implemented.
The indicator is met when the assessment concludes that the key risks were comprehensively assessed, and that relevant measures were designed and adequately implemented. As there are no defined standards of what comprehensive / relevant / adequate means, the assessment needs to be done by an independent person experienced in protection mainstreaming. The person needs to justify any conclusions s/he makes.