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Absence of Tensions or Conflicts

Indicator Phrasing

% of the [specify the assistance] recipients who did not experience any tensions or conflicts due to receiving the provided assistance
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of the [specify the assistance] recipients who did not experience any tensions or conflicts due to receiving the provided assistance

French: % des bénéficiaires de [préciser l'assistance] qui n'ont pas vécu de tensions ni de conflits du fait d’avoir reçu de l’assistance

Spanish: % de los beneficiarios de [especificar la ayuda] que no experimentaron tensiones o conflictos por recibir la ayuda proporcionada

Portuguese: % dos destinatários [especificar a assistência] que não experimentaram quaisquer tensões ou conflitos devido ao facto de beneficiarem da assistência prestada

Czech: % příjemců [upřesněte pomoc], kteří nezažili žádné napětí nebo konflikty kvůli přijetí poskytnuté pomoci

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of target group members who did not experience conflict, disagreements, tensions or violence (physical, verbal, psychological, emotional or other) related to them receiving the provided assistance. It is an important process indicator helping aid agencies identify and mitigate against the potentially negative consequences of their assistance.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the aid recipients:



Q1: Have you experienced any tensions or conflicts in your household related to receiving or using [specify the assistance]?

A1: yes / no / did not respond


Q2: Have you experienced any tensions or conflicts related to you receiving or using [specify the assistance] in the area where you live?

A2: yes / no / did not respond



To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who did not experience tension / conflict (either at home or in the area where they live) by the total number of interviewed respondents (exclude those who did not respond). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age group, persons with a disability, and whether the tension / conflict was (not) experienced at home or in the community.

Important Comments

1) When translating the terms “tensions or conflicts”, make sure that it is clear that these can be at physical and emotional / psychological levels as well as at verbal levels.


2) In addition to providing the indicator value, report separately on the percentage of people who did not experience conflicts a) at home; and b) in the community.


3) If you are conducting aid distributions in several phases (or in several locations), do not wait to do the interviews until all distributions are over. Starting with the post-distribution monitoring immediately after the first phase / location will help you identify potential issues and address them in the remaining distributions/activities.


4) If the aid recipients are primarily men (as the heads of households), it is important that such an assessment is also conducted among female members of the household. This can be done by either using a representative survey or conducting (less resource-demanding) in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with randomly selected female relatives of the aid recipients.


5) Consider crosschecking the findings with the information provided by other stakeholders who might have experienced conflicts, such as local authorities, sellers, or non-beneficiaries.


6) In some contexts, enumerators might encounter people who experienced physical or sexual violence related to accessing or using the provided assistance. Collecting information about such incidents is sensitive and poses risks to the respondents as well as to the enumerators. Take advantage of IndiKit's Rapid Guide to Collecting Survey Data on GBV (see below) to know how to minimize the risk of any harm and ensure the desired quality of collected data. 


7) It is important that the enumerators have the same and correct understanding of what “tension” and “conflict” mean and are able to explain it to the respondents, if required. This must be done in a clear and neutral way so that it does not influence the respondent’s answer.


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