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Usage of Community Feedback and Response Mechanism

Indicator Phrasing

% of [specify the target group] who reported using the community feedback and response mechanism in the past [specify time frame]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of [specify the target group] who reported using the community feedback and response mechanism in the past [specify time frame]

French: % de [préciser le groupe cible] qui ont déclaré avoir utilisé le mécanisme de retour d'information au cours des dernières [préciser la période]

Spanish: % de [especifique el grupo destinatario] que declaró haber utilizado el mecanismo comunitario de retroalimentación y respuesta en los últimos [especifique el periodo].

Portuguese: % de [especificar o grupo-alvo] que declararam ter utilizado o mecanismo de feedback e resposta às comunidades no passado [especificar o período de tempo]

Czech: % [uveďte cílovou skupinu], kteří uvedli, že v posledních [uveďte časový rámec] využili systém pro poskytování zpětné vazby

What is its purpose?

The indicator suggests the extent to which the target group members use an organization’s community feedback and response mechanism (CFRM).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members:



Use the guidance available at this site to assess whether the respondent is aware of the organization’s CFRM and knows how to use it. If so, ask the following question:

Q1: In the past [specify time frame], have you used such a system to make a complaint or suggestion to [organization’s name]?

A1: yes / no / doesn’t remember


To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents who reported using the CFRM by the total number of interviewed respondents (excluding those who didn’t remember). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age group, and other criteria relevant to the context and focus of your intervention.

Important Comments

1) If a person says that s/he did not use CFRM, consider asking why:

Q: Why didn’t you use [organization’s name]’s system for providing complaints or suggestions?

A: Revise the following options based on the local context:

1) did not have any complaint / suggestion

2) learned about the system only recently

3) was afraid to use it – due to the expected reaction of [organization’s name]

4) was afraid to use it – due to the expected reaction of someone else

5) made a complaint / suggestion via a different route

6) did not have time to use it

7) felt that the process of providing feedback was difficult

8) did not have the means to use it (e.g. a phone)

9) did not believe that a complaint would be taken seriously and would be acted upon

10) was discouraged from using it

11) other reason – specify: ……………………….



2) In addition to measuring usage, consider measuring whether people received a response and were satisfied with it. You can use the following questions:

Q: Did you get a response to your complaint / suggestion? A response can be provided either directly to you or in the form of a public announcement.

A: yes / no / doesn’t remember


If a response was provided, ask:

Q: To what extent were you satisfied with how the issue or suggestion was addressed?

A: very satisfied / fairly satisfied / rather dissatisfied / very dissatisfied / it was not addressed yet / doesn’t know how or whether it was addressed


Remember that organizations often provide a collective response (e.g. through a public announcement on the radio / through a poster / via another channel) which the respondent might not have thought about as a response to her/his feedback.



3) Consider asking people who used a CFRM for suggestions on improving the system.



4) You should compare the indicator’s value to the actual data in the CFRM registers from the same area. If there are significant discrepancies, it can mean that many of the inputs that people provided were not documented by the registers and were also possibly not addressed.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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