Calculate the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Select upcoming events where important information will be provided. For example, information on how to access certain types of support.
2) Define several questions to assess whether a respondent correctly understood the provided information. Prioritize using open-ended questions, such as “Can you please tell me who can access …?” or “How can a person access …?”. Avoid using the question: “Did you understand what was said?”, as it is unlikely to give reliable data. The questionnaire does not need to capture exact responses to the questions, it should just offer the following options: 1) understood provided information; 2) did not understand provided information; and 3) no response.
3) Decide on which (or how many) questions must be answered correctly in order for the respondent to be counted as “correctly understanding the provided information”.
4) During the event, immediately after the information is provided, interview randomly selected members of the targeted population, using the questions defined in point 2. For each respondent, determine whether s/he can be considered as “correctly understanding the provided information”, using the criteria defined in point 3.
5) Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the number of people who can be considered as “correctly understanding the provided information” by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.