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Perceived Usefulness of Provided Information

Indicator Phrasing

% of target audience members who thought that the provided information was useful
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target audience members who thought that the provided information was useful

French: % des membres du public cible qui ont estimé que les informations fournies étaient utiles

Spanish: % de miembros del público destinatario que consideraron útil la información facilitada

Portuguese: % de membros do público-alvo que consideraram a informação fornecida útil

Czech: % členů cílové skupiny, kteří považovali poskytnuté informace za užitečné

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the proportion of the target group members who perceived the information provided as useful to their situation and needs. This indicator can provide valuable insights into whether the provided information was relevant, timely, complete, and reliable.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

To determine the indicator's value, use the following methodology:


1) Define which information you are interested in. Be specific so that there is no confusion about what you are referring to. 



2) Conduct individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members to understand if the provided information was useful.


Q1: Present to the respondent the information, as it was provided - e.g. as a verbal announcement / on a poster / in a text message / etc. Do not change anything, do not add any other information, or make any comments. Then ask: "Have you received this information?" Verify the answer by asking more questions, such as when the person received the information, from whom, etc.

A1: yes / no / is not sure


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is "yes")


Q2: "How useful or not useful was this information for you?"

A2: very useful / quite useful / not very useful / completely useless


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is "not very useful" or "completely useless")

Q3: "Can you please tell me why the information was not very useful to you?"

A3: pre-define a list of the most relevant options, such as:

1) the information arrived too late

2) I could not read / listen to the information (due to illiteracy or disability)

3) the information was hard to understand

4) the information was irrelevant to my situation / needs

5) the information was not correct

include additional options relevant to your context; include an option "other – specify: ………………….."


3) To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents who perceived the provided information as "very" or "quite" useful by the total number of respondents who received the information. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Always report on the reasons why some people haven't found the information useful.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age and other criteria relevant to the focus and context of your intervention. 

Important Comments

1) It is essential that the data is collected within no more than a few weeks after the information was provided (e.g. as a part of post-distribution monitoring or other surveys). Otherwise, people will likely forget whether they received the information.


2) Do not ask the people who did not receive the information about its usefulness. While they might be able to tell you what they currently think of the information, it will not be possible to assess how useful the information was when they were supposed to receive it.


3) Report on the percentage of respondents who did not receive (or do not remember receiving) the information – such data can be useful in improving communication with the target audience members.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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