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Participation in Gender and Age Analysis

Indicator Phrasing

extent of community participation in the project's gender and age analysis
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: extent of community participation in the project's gender and age analysis

French: étendue de la participation des membres de la communauté à l'analyse de genre et d'âge du projet

Spanish: grado de participación de la comunidad en el análisis de género y edad del proyecto

Portuguese: extensão da participação dos membros da comunidade na análise de género e de idade realizada no projecto

Czech: míra účasti členů cílových komunit na realizaci “gender and age” analýzy

What is its purpose?

This composite indicator measures the extent to which the targeted community members were engaged in a conducted gender and age analysis. It considers three main aspects: First, the number of consulted community members (disaggregated by gender and age). Next, how they were involved in the consultations. And finally, the number of communities where the consultations occurred (showing the geographic extent). Therefore, when reporting on the indicator, you have to report on these three aspects - i.e. there is no single value of the indicator.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value using the following methodology:


1) Review your M&E records or the gender and age analysis report to identify the number of community members engaged in the conducted gender and age analysis. Ensure that the data is disaggregated by gender, age group, and other relevant criteria (such as disability, ethnicity, etc.).


2) Use the same sources to identify how people were engaged – for example, how many were involved in key informant interviews, how many were in focus group discussions, and how many were in a quantitative survey, etc.


3) Use the same sources to identify the number of communities where people were consulted. To do so, you will first need to define what can be considered a ‘community’. In rural settings, this is likely to be a village. In the urban context, you might need to use smaller units, such as quarters.


4) By reporting on these three aspects of the consultations, you show the extent to which people participated in the project's gender and age analysis.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate relevant data by gender, age group, and any other criteria relevant to the context of your intervention.

Important Comments

1) Data must be collected when conducting the gender and age analysis. This is especially important for any disaggregation-related requirements, such as knowing how many people have a disability or their age. Therefore, if you use this indicator, ensure that collecting the required data is integrated into the analysis's design (e.g. any questionnaire used).


2) The three aspects listed above are not the only criteria showing the extent to which people were engaged. If you feel there is any other important aspect of people’s participation, consider collecting the data and reporting on it.


3) The indicator does not tell us how much of the inputs people provided were used in the project design and implementation. Therefore, when reporting on the value of this indicator, report also on how the findings were used. You can also take advantage of the indicator Use of Gender and Age Analysis.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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