Collect the following data through interviews with a representative sample of people targeted by this indicator.
Q1: Are you aware of [specify the project, including the main types of support it provided]?
A1: yes / no / not sure
(ask the following question only if the previous answer is “yes”)
Q2: Do you think that [specify: women and men / younger and older people/other] did or didn’t have an equal opportunity to benefit from the project’s assistance?
1) had equal opportunity to benefit
2) did not have an equal opportunity to benefit
3) does not know
(the following question is not mandatory but is highly recommended; ask it only if the respondent thinks that people did not have an equal opportunity)
Q3: Why do you think that [specify: women and men / younger and older people / other] did not have an equal opportunity to benefit?
A3: __________________________
To determine the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who believe that people had a similar opportunity to benefit from the project by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not know about the project or those who did not know whether people had an equal opportunity to benefit). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.