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Engagement of Groups with Specific Needs

Indicator Phrasing

number of communities where groups with specific needs were engaged in identifying needs and designing solutions
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of communities where groups with specific needs were engaged in identifying needs and designing solutions

French: nombre de communautés où des groupes ayant des besoins spécifiques ont participé à l'identification des besoins et à la conception de solutions

Spanish: número de comunidades en las que grupos con necesidades específicas participaron en la identificación de necesidades y el diseño de soluciones

Portuguese: número de comunidades onde os grupos com necessidades específicas foram envolvidos na identificação de necessidades e na concepção de soluções

Czech: počet komunit, kde byly skupiny se specifickými potřebami zapojeny do zjišťování potřeb a navrhování řešení

What is its purpose?

This indicator is designed for projects working in different geographic communities – e.g. villages or parts of urban areas. It measures in how many of such communities the project actively engaged groups with specific needs to define what needs the project should address and how. Groups with specific needs can include, for example, persons with disabilities, minority group members, pregnant and lactating women, older people, etc.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define what is considered a ‘community’. In the context of this indicator, it has a geographic meaning – in rural settings, it can be a village; in the urban context, you might need to use smaller units, such as quarters. If you work with a different understanding of the word “community”, you will have to revise the methodology used for this indicator accordingly.


2) Define what is considered as “groups with specific needs were engaged in identifying needs and designing solutions” – i.e., the minimum requirements for the engagement. It is recommended that the requirements include, among others, criteria such as:

   - there were dedicated meetings organized with people who have specific needs

   - people were engaged in a participatory manner

   - people were engaged both in defining their key needs and proposing which solutions could address these needs


3) Review available resources (e.g. assessment data, MEAL reports) and interview relevant staff to identify the total number of communities where people with specific needs were engaged in identifying needs and optimal solutions. Determine in how many of these communities the needs and solutions were identified in line with the minimum requirements defined in point 2. The resulting number is the value of this indicator.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by specific needs, location (e.g. districts or regions), and other criteria relevant to the focus of the intervention.  

Important Comments

1) When reporting on the indicator’s value, report on the total number of targeted communities. This will give a better understanding of the actual scope of engaging people with specific needs.


2) In addition to reporting on the number of communities, also report on:

   - the total number of community members with specific needs engaged in identifying needs and designing solutions (disaggregated by gender, age group, and other relevant criteria); and

   - the total number of targeted community members with specific needs

This data will provide additional insight into the extent to which (different groups of) people were engaged in identifying needs and designing solutions. 

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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