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Market-Relevant Curriculum

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of [select: new / improved / existing] VET programs that are relevant to the job market’s needs
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of [select: new / improved / existing] VET programs that are relevant to the job market’s needs

French: nombre ou % de programmes d’EFP [sélectionnez: nouveaux / améliorés / existants] qui répondent aux besoins du marché du travail

Spanish: número o % de [seleccione: nuevo / mejorado / existente] programas de EFP que son relevantes para las necesidades del mercado laboral

Portuguese: número ou % de programas de FEV que são relevantes para as necessidades do mercado de trabalho

Czech: počet nebo % [vyberte: nových / vylepšených / existujících] programů odborného vzdělávání, které jsou v souladu s potřebami trhu práce

What is its purpose?

Vocational education is supposed to serve the youth and adults to gain more productive opportunities through increased marketable skills. This indicator assesses the number or the proportion of existing and newly developed vocational education and training (VET) programs that reflect the current local labour market’s needs (i.e. their design is in line with the occupational profiles demanded by the market).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

A job market-relevant VET program

  > is based on findings of a labour market analysis

  > involves professionals employed in the given profession in the curriculum development process

  > is flexible and regularly updated based on feedback from its previous students and tracer studies (i.e. survey tracking down a group of graduated trainees and their employment activities)


The VET program can be considered relevant to the job market's needs if at least one of the above criteria is met (if feasible, consider requiring more than one criteria). The list is indicative only; you might find different mechanisms and criteria for ensuring that the VET programs are relevant to the local labour market’s needs.


1) Collect the required data from two main sources:

  > review of the course syllabus

  > interview with VET institution management, or in case of nationally accredited curriculum, interview with a representative of a national skill certification authority


2) To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of VET programs considered as "relevant to the job market's needs" by the total number of assessed programs. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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