Successfully Trained Teachers/ Trainers
Indicator Phrasing
English: number or % of VET teachers/ trainers who successfully completed training in given field
French: nombre or % d'enseignants/ formateurs d’EFP ayant réussi une formation dans un domaine donné
Spanish: número o % de profesores/ formadores de EFP que han completado con éxito la formación en un campo determinado
Portuguese: número ou % de professores / formadores de FEV que concluíram com êxito a formação num determinado campo
Czech: počet nebo % učitelů odborného vzdělávání, kteří úspěšně ukončili školení v daném oboru
What is its purpose?
Training for teachers and trainers can have a great impact on student learning outcomes. This indicator measures the number or percentage of teachers/trainers who completed a training course on given topic and successfully met the performance based training requirements.
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Prepare performance-based criteria for training teachers/ trainers. Clearly defined criteria represent the training objectives. All trainees are made aware of the criteria and they are assessed against them throughout the training. Examples of good performance-based criteria:
> trainee describes step-by-step instruction for students for at least 3 specific activities to be done in school experimental plot
> trainee performs a microteaching session introducing new skill in the workshop
> trainee designs student assessment technique measuring the particular practical skill acquisition
> trainee attends at least 80% of the course time
2) The trainer administers a trainee performance record sheet consisting of the list of participants and all criteria stated for the given training course. On an ongoing basis, the trainer records when a given criterion has been met by a trainee.
3) At the end of each training, the record sheet serves as a basis for the certification of the successful training graduates and calculation of the number and % of trained teachers.
Disaggregate by
Disaggregate the data by gender and the length of trainees' existing teaching experience.
Important Comments
1) It is crucial that the criteria are introduced right at the beginning of the training and all trainees are aware of them and understand what they mean. The trainer has to give each trainee the opportunity to perform the requested tasks.
2) As compared to an output indicator "number of teachers/trainers who receive training on... ", the proposed indicator on "successful completion of training" is more complex. It encompasses the performance-oriented training design and captures the teacher's potential to implement the new knowledge and skills and change her/his teaching practices.