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Participation in Work-Based Learning

Indicator Phrasing

% of training time spent in the workplace by trainees of [specify the VET program] in [specify the given period]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of training time spent in the workplace by trainees of [specify the VET program] in [specify the given period]

French: % du temps de formation passé sur le lieu de travail par les étudiants en [spécifiez le programme d'EFP] pendant [spécifiez la période donnée]

Spanish: % de tiempo de formación empleado en el lugar de trabajo por los alumnos de [especifique el programa de EFP ] en [especifique el período dado]

Portuguese: % do tempo de formação passado no local de trabalho pelos formandos de [especifique o programa FEV] em [especifique o período determinado]

Czech: % času stráveneného na pracovišti z celkového času školení [doplňte program odborného vzdělávání a dobu trvání kurzu]

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion of training time that the trainees of a given vocational education and training (VET) program on average spend in the workplace out of the total training time.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Set up the target (% of training time) according to the government-recognized curriculum of the VET program. The required proportion differs based on the type of profession, the context, duration of the VET program and formal or non-formal settings (the indicator is especially valuable for formal VET training). The required share is usually between 40 – 60%, and in some professions up to 80%. It should never be less than 20%.


2) The VET provider should provide you with an official school record of the following data:

  > total training time = number of hours of instruction for given VET program

  > number of trainees who in the assessed period took part in the workplace in local enterprises (should equal to the total number of trainees of the VET program)

  > training time spent in the workplace = number of hours of work individual students spent actively in the enterprise (usually recorded in internship/ apprenticeship logbook)


3) Calculate the proportion (%) of total training time for individual trainees.


4) Calculate the average proportion for all trainees of the VET program.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as minorities or people with disability.

Important Comments

1) Work-based learning forms an addition to classroom-based learning and can take place, for example, in a welding workshop, at a shop or in a hairdressing salon. It enables the students to apply and expand the skills they learnt; assess their own interests and abilities; learn about future employers’ expectations; establish useful contacts and gain other practical competencies.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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