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Disaster Risk Reduction

Indicator Phrasing

% of targeted learning spaces with disaster risk reduction (DRR) processes/measures in place
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of targeted learning spaces with disaster risk reduction (DRR) processes/measures in place

French: % d’espaces d’apprentissage ciblés avec des processus / évaluations sur la Réduction des Risques de Catastrophe (RRC) en place

Spanish: % de espacios de aprendizaje específicos con procesos/medidas de RRD reducción del riesgo de desastres en vigor.

Portuguese: % de espaços de aprendizagem específicos com processos/medidas de redução do risco de desastres (RRD) em vigor

Czech: % cílových vzdělávacích prostor se zavedenými postupy/opatřeními pro snižování rizika katastrof

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the extent to which schools/learning spaces have DRR processes/measures in place to keep children and educators safe from natural or man-made disasters. These could include the “existence of up-to-date school [or learning space]-level contingency/emergency preparedness plans, or conduction of simulation drills” (INEE). The measures should be based on a school/learning space risk analysis and address the potential threats identified in the process.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Determine the total number of schools or learning spaces targeted by the action. This data can be gathered from project level documentation.


2) Decide on the criteria/categories of DRR processes/measures to be assessed, as well as a scoring mechanism to assess the degree to which these are present and are being implemented (Considerations for DRR can be found in the School and Learning Space Observation Checklist). Decide on a ‘target’ score that a school or learning space must reach to be considered as “having DRR processes/measures in place”.


3) Gather documentation from the schools or learning spaces related to these pre-set criteria/categories, this might include information regarding any policies, contingency or emergency preparedness plans that they already have or ones that were created during the project, including how operational/functional these mechanisms are. Schools or learning spaces can be scored to account for the fact that there might be a scale of possible situations. Ideally this would be detailed by specific criteria (see the School and Learning Space Observation Checklist). If unable to utilise a thorough checklist, a basic criteria and scoring could be used, for example:

  • No DRR mechanisms are in place = 0
  • Some DRR mechanisms are in place but they are not fully operational = 1
  • Some DRR mechanisms are in place and are fully operational = 2
  • Comprehensive DRR mechanisms are in place and are fully operational/functional = 3

[in this case, a score of 2 or 3 is required to be considered as adequate to be counted as having sufficient measures in place]


4) To calculate the overall percentage, divide the number of targeted schools or learning spaces that reach the pre-set ‘target’ score (2 or 3 on the scale above) and can, therefore be said to be adopting and operationalizing DRR policies/practices by the total number of targeted schools and/or learning spaces and multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregation of the data can be done by the type of school or learning space (formal versus non-formal) and level of education (as relevant). Data could also be disaggregated by DRR criteria being measured.

Important Comments

1) This is INEE Indicator 2.4.


2) School or learning space observations (using the School and Learning Space Observation Checklist) should take place on a regular, ideally quarterly, basis to ensure schools or learning spaces are adhering to their plans (i.e., rehabilitation for emergency access routes, provision of first aid kits, conducting simulation drills, sharing DRR information with children, etc.).


3) Related indicators:


        - KRI: Number of learning spaces/schools set up or rehabilitated or restored to minimum standards for safe learning

     Global Education Cluster

        - % of affected schools/learning spaces with DRR


        - % of teachers who have attended at least one training on safety and security

        - % of UNRWA schools/learning spaces which held at least one awareness session for students on safety and security

        - % of UNRWA schools/learning spaces with a Security Risk Management Plan

        - % of UNRWA schools/learning spaces which have conducted at least one evacuation drill with students


        - DRR and Resilience indicators

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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