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Education Personnel Selection

Indicator Phrasing

education personnel selection process is transparent, based on selection criteria that reflect diversity and equity
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: education personnel selection process is transparent, based on selection criteria that reflect diversity and equity

French: le processus de sélection du personnel de l’éducation est transparent, basé sur des critères de sélection qui reflètent la diversité et l’équité

Spanish: el proceso de selección del personal educativo es transparente y se basa en criterios de selección que reflejan la diversidad y la equidad

Portuguese: o processo de seleção dos/as profissionais de educação é transparente, com base em critérios de seleção que refletem diversidade e equidade

Czech: výběrové řízení pedagogických pracovníků je transparentní, založené na kritériích výběru, která odrážejí rozmanitost a rovnost

What is its purpose?

This indicator assesses the effectiveness and accountability of processes for selecting and recruiting teachers and other education personnel. It helps determine if the process is open, fair and transparent, and enables teacher recruitment that considers qualifications/education levels and conflict sensitivity and reflects the target population's diversity.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Criteria for what is understood to be a ‘transparent’ selection process and criteria that ‘reflects diversity and equity’ need to be established. This could include, for example:

  1. The job advertisement, selection process, selection criteria and terms of reference have been clearly displayed in public spaces for all to see in advance of the recruitment process beginning. This includes displaying the above in areas that are accessible to women, ethnically diverse areas, displacement sites, and areas that are accessible to persons with disabilities and other vulnerable or marginalised groups.
  2. Selection criteria promotes:
  • Conflict sensitivity
  • Prioritisation of applicants’ qualifications/education levels
  • Representation of the target population, including appropriate ratios of male/female teachers; ethnic groups; specific language speakers (including those who speak the language of instruction)
  • Equal opportunities, including access to the role for persons with disabilities;
  • Recruitment of staff with relevant language abilities, including for minority groups or language speaker


2) Review school or learning space-/administrative- or project-level processes and data including documentation such as Terms of References, Selection Criteria, interview questions and administrative documentation related to staff recruitment (i.e. contracts issues, teacher profiles etc). The information gathered from this documentation can be verified through interviews or surveys with a representative sample of teachers and educators to better understand their perceptions of the process and its transparency. Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.


3) Rate selection processes and criteria on a scale, for example from 1-5 (1 = not transparent/ reflective of diversity and equity, 5 = very transparent/reflective of diversity and equity).

Disaggregate by

Disaggregation of the data can be done by the type of school or learning space (formal versus non-formal) and level of education/qualification.

Important Comments

1) This is INEE Indicator 4.1.


2) This indicator is linked to other INEE indicators that measure the diversity and equity of teacher/ education personnel recruitment processes in practice. If verifying the indicator against these related INEE indicators, additional guidance is provided below:

  • Indicator 4.3 % of male/female teachers/administrators. To measure this related indicator, divide the number of male/female teachers and/or administrators and by the total number of teachers/administrators, and multiply this number by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
  • Indicator 4.4 % of teachers from minority groups. To measure this related indicator, pre-determine the minority groups about whom recruitment data will be gathered (this could be for example, minority ethnic or religious groups, displaced persons or returnees, persons with disabilities, minority language speakers, or low-income groups). Then, divide the number of teachers and/or administrators from the pre-determined minority groups by the total number of teachers/ administrators, and multiply this number by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


3) In addition to ensuring that recruitment processes are transparent and equitable, it is also important to prioritise applicants’ qualifications and/or education levels during recruitment processes to ensure that experienced and qualified teachers are available and able to provide high quality teaching to children and youth. However, it is also essential to ensure that recruitment processes do not generate a pull factor that encourages qualified teachers away from the formal education system.


4) Note that questions related to equity and diversity can be highly sensitive in some contexts. Ensure to take appropriate measures to Do No Harm throughout the data collection process.


5) Related indicators:


        - 4.3 % of male/female teachers/administrators

        - 4.4 % of teachers from minority groups

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This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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