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Teaching Materials

Indicator Phrasing

number of teachers provided with teaching aids / materials
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of teachers provided with teaching aids / materials

French: nombre d'enseignants ayant reçu du matériel pédagogique

Spanish: número de profesores a los que se ha proporcionado material didáctico

Portuguese: número de professores/as que receberam materiais de ensino e aprendizagem

Czech: počet učitelů vybavených učebními pomůckami / materiály

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of teachers who received distributed teaching materials. This indicator is mostly used in education in emergency contexts, or in contexts when education authorities’ capacities to provide adequate teaching materials to enable participatory learning are limited.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define what the minimum package of teaching aids/materials is based on the project/ programme focus and the contextual minimum standards (which can be provided by the national or relevant education authorities, Education Cluster/Working Group, as relevant). The package should ensure that basic materials to allow teachers and other education personnel to teach and work effectively are provided. Refer to Important Comments below for additional guidance on teaching materials.


2) Use distribution lists to calculate the number of teachers who have received the given material – as per the minimum package defined above – in the supported/targeted schools or learning spaces.


3) Crosscheck the results with data from post-distribution monitoring in schools or learning spaces to ensure that teachers/education personnel have received the provided materials.


4) Data can be verified, and more information gathered regarding the adequacy of materials provided, by asking teachers some follow-up questions. Refer to Important Comments below for additional guidance and recommended survey questions.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregation of the data can be done by gender, NFE type or level of education (primary, lower secondary, upper secondary) and disability.

Important Comments

1) This is an ECHO KRI Indicator.


2) Note that the term ‘teacher’ in this indicator can be adapted to refer to all types of educators, including, for example, formal school teachers, volunteer teachers, learning or psychosocial support (PSS) facilitators, study guides, tutors, etc.


3) As per the above guidance, ensure that contextual minimum standards – whether lists of kit contents or guidance on contents – are considered when defining the minimum package of teaching aids/materials. As per ECHO guidance, teaching materials may be supplied directly by the project/ programme or via support (logistical/ technical/ advocacy/ other) to education authorities to facilitate provision. Materials should also ‘include adaptations and modifications for teachers or learners living with disabilities where needed and tailored to the language needs identified’.


4) If needed, the percentage of teachers provided with teaching and learning materials can be calculated by dividing the number of teachers who have received teaching materials (ascertained under Point 3) by the total number of teachers (ascertained under Point 2) and multiplying it by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


5) This indicator can be built upon to gather feedback directly from a representative sample of the teachers/education personnel regarding the adequacy of the materials provided. To do this, refer to related INEE Indicator 4.12. Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.


6) This indicator can additionally be used as part of a Needs Assessment process to understand the degree to which teachers and education personnel have access to adequate teaching and learning materials and preparation space. In this case, survey questions are designed to determine teachers’ access to materials and space. Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.


7) Related indicators:


        - 4.12 % of teachers who report having adequate teaching and learning materials and teaching and preparation space

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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