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School or Learning Space-Based Teacher Professional Development

Indicator Phrasing

% of teaching personnel participating in collaborative opportunities with other teachers / administrators
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of teaching personnel participating in collaborative opportunities with other teachers / administrators

French: % du personnel enseignant participant à des opportunités de collaboration avec d'autres enseignants / administrateurs

Spanish: % de personal docente que participa en oportunidades de colaboración con otros profesores / administradores

Portuguese: % de docentes que participam em oportunidades de colaboração com outros professores/as / administradores/as

Czech: % pedagogických pracovníků účastnících se spolupráce s ostatními učiteli / administrátory

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the proportion of teaching personnel that participate in collaborative opportunities with other teachers/administrators. Such sessions usually take the form of Teacher Learning Circles (TLC), Teacher Professional Development (TPD) sessions or experience-sharing sessions.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Determine the total number of teachers targeted by the action. This data can be gathered from project level documentation or requested from school or learning space management or the relevant education authorities.


2) Develop criteria to determine what constitutes “participating in collaborative opportunities with other teachers/ administrators”. This could include, for example:

  • a definition of what constitutes a “collaborative opportunity”
  • that a certain proportion of the below referenced survey questions need to have a “yes” response; and/or
  • that the regularity of collaborative opportunities is above a certain level (for example, at least once per month/ quarter/ semester/ cycle).


3) Collect the data by using a combination of 2 out of 3 options below:

  • interview with school or learning space director and/or a representative sample of teachers (assess the standardized criteria for TLC/TPD in Important Comments below)
  • observation of a representative sample of TLC/TPD sessions (assess the standardized criteria for TLC/TPD in Important Comments below)
  • TLC/TPD documentation, such as Terms of Reference for the group, attendance sheets meeting timeframe, mentorship plans, TLC/TPD outcomes, etc.


4) Calculate the number of teaching personnel participating in collaborative opportunities in the given period.


5) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number to teaching personnel participating in collaborative opportunities by the total number of targeted teachers (as determined in Point 1) and multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


6) Recommended survey questions for measuring this indicator can be found here.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregation of the data can be done by gender and the education level and/or type of school or learning space (formal versus non-formal) where the teachers work.

Important Comments

1) This is INEE Indicator 4.14.


2) A standardized TLC/TPD fulfils the following criteria:

  • It is a small gathering of teachers who come together to share their work, successes, and challenges in order to support and help one another improve their teaching practices.
  • It takes place regularly, once or twice a month.
  • All teachers in a school or learning space are actively engaged.
  • The goal of the TLC/TPD is to establish a routine learning loop of 4 phases where teachers:

            - reflect upon a teaching practice

            - learn more about the practice

            - plan on how to use it in their classes and finally

            - take action by practicing the technique.

  • This cyclical learning process forms the basis of the school-based/learning space-based and peer-driven TPD.


3) This indicator can be further supplemented by information from participatory assessment of teacher perception of and satisfaction with the opportunities provided by the schools or learning spaces.


4) The number or percentage of supported schools or learning spaces that regularly organize teacher professional development activities in the school or learning space can also be measured.


5) The indicator is closely related to INEE Indicator 4.15, which measures how well teachers are supported by ongoing professional development through structured coaching or mentorship from their supervisors. Indicator 4.15 can be measured in a similar way to this indicator, replacing TLC/TPD sessions with coaching/mentoring sessions.


6) The main guidance on this indicator is designed to measure the proportion of targeted teachers who have participated in collaborative opportunities provided through a specific action or project. If the purpose of the indicator is to gain a broader understanding of teachers’ access to collaborative opportunities, it is also possible to use this indicator to measure the proportion of all teachers in the area – targeted by the action or not - benefitting from such opportunities. To do this, use the total number of teachers in the assessed school/learning space/ community/ target area as your denominator (rather than the number of targeted teachers). This data can be requested from school or learning space management or the relevant education authorities.


7) Related indicators:


       - 4.13 % of teachers reporting being sufficiently supported by school leadership

       - 4.15 % of teaching personnel participating in ongoing coaching/mentoring sessions


       - % of teachers who have attended at least one training on the UNRWA Inclusive Education Approach

       - % of teachers who have attended at least one training on the UNRWA PSS Framework

       - Number of School Counsellors who have attended at least one training on the UNRWA Inclusive Education Approach and/or PSS Framework

       - Number of School Counsellors who have attended at least one training on counselling (group or individual) or other PSS-related topics

       - % of teachers who have attended at least one training on the UNRWA alternative learning modalities

       - % of teachers who have attended at least one training on parental engagement in EiE

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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