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Teacher Supervision and Support

Indicator Phrasing

% of teaching personnel evaluated/supported through transparent performance appraisal process
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of teaching personnel evaluated/supported through transparent performance appraisal process

French: % du personnel enseignant évalué / soutenu par un processus transparent d’évaluation des performances

Spanish: % del personal docente evaluado/apoyado mediante un proceso transparente de evaluación del rendimiento

Portuguese: % de professores/as avaliados/apoiados através de um processo transparente de avaliação de desempenho

Czech: % pedagogických pracovníků hodnocených/podporovaných prostřednictvím transparentního procesu hodnocení výkonu

What is its purpose?

Transparent performance appraisal processes provide necessary ongoing professional development support to teaching personnel and reinforce the use of essential knowledge and skills in the classroom. This indicator measures the proportion of teaching personnel who are evaluated or more broadly supported through transparent performance appraisal processes.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1. Determine the total number of teachers targeted by the action. This data can be gathered from project level documentation or requested from school or learning space management or the relevant education authorities.



2. Then determine the criteria for a ‘transparent performance appraisal process’ in the context and according to national or relevant standards. If standards are not available at the national or local level, align with Education Cluster/Working Group standards. This could include, for example:

  • The establishment of clear communication processes.
  • The establishment of clear evaluation criteria (and related performance appraisal documents), in collaboration with teachers and educators, including information on the appraisal process, a clear timeline, provision of feedback, recognition and professional growth.
  • The clear communication of the information in the previous point to all teachers and education personnel at the start of their contract or before performance appraisal begins.



3. Review relevant performance appraisal documentation at the school or learning space level and/or ask teachers and educators to provide information on the appraisal process. If determined that the process has not been transparent, record this clearly. If this is the case, then the indicator’s value for the given school would be 0%.



4. To determine the number of teachers who have been evaluated / supported through this process, there are two options:

Review the performance evaluation document

  • Review the performance evaluation documents to determine the degree to which the criteria set above have been met. Documentation review can include, for example, observation form templates, progress monitoring form templates, teacher or educator contracts, supervision or observation workplans. If the documentation does not meet the set criteria, the performance evaluation process should not be considered transparent and all the teachers in that school/learning space should be considered as not having been evaluated/supported through transparent performance appraisal process.
  • If the process has been determined to be transparent, check the documents have been filled in by the school or learning space directors and supervisors. Check whether the documents have been filled in correctly and that they are in line with any pre-set timeline or workplan.
  • Count the number of the teaching personnel who were evaluated using a transparent process using the evaluation documents.
  • Divide the number of teaching personnel who were evaluated using a transparent process by the total number of teaching personnel targeted and multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Teacher and educator survey

  • If access to the school or learning space documents is not possible, or to verify the findings from the review of the evaluation documents, information can be collected through key informant interviews (KIIs) or surveys with a representative sample of stakeholders (for example, teachers, school management, and/or education authorities).   


      Q1: Have you participated in a performance evaluation process?

      A1: Yes / No / Don’t Know / Refuse to answer

      Q2: When was the last time you had a performance evaluation?

      A2: Within the last 6 months / Within the last year / Over a year ago / Never / Don’t know / Refuse to answer

      Q3: In your opinion, how transparent is the performance appraisal process for teachers / facilitators?

      A3: Fully transparent / Semi-transparent / Not transparent / Don’t know / Refuse to answer

           Q3.1: If semi-transparent or not transparent, ask: What could have been done differently so that the performance appraisal process is more transparent?

           A3.1: (open response)

      Q4: Were you made aware of the evaluation criteria/key requirements before / during the process?

           A4: Yes / No / Don’t know / Refuse to answer

           Q4.1: How were you made aware of the evaluation criteria and process?

           A4.1: Criteria and details of the evaluation process were: Provided in writing / Verbally communicated / Other - specify: ___________


  • Count the number of the teaching personnel who said they were evaluated through a transparent process.
  • Divide this number by the total number of teaching personnel surveyed and multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate data by gender and age group, level of education, ethnicity, mother tongue, wealth quintile, disability, displacement status and/or other specific vulnerable or marginalised groups, and subject taught, as relevant.

Important Comments

1) This is INEE Indicator 4.17.


2) Teacher performance appraisal (or management) can – and should – include the goals and/or targets set for teacher development, the actions planned to reach these goals, and information on the system to monitor progress towards these goals, as well as any information on points of correction or areas for development. The indicator can be expanded to include these parameters, if relevant to the project/ programme goals and scope.


3) When reviewing observation findings, should the number of incorrectly filled checklists be too high, consider another round of training for the "observers", joint practice and/or mentoring support.


4) Make sure that the class observation data are entered in the database and analysed by either the school or learning space staff, the local education office or by the organisation. Regular analysis of the most frequent shortcomings in teachers’ performance should be compiled and used for decision-making on future continual professional development of teachers.


5) Measuring the teaching personnel’s satisfaction with the evaluation processes or feelings of being sufficiently supported can help to confirm the efficacy of the evaluation processes and highlight any additional needs.


6) The indicator is closely related to INEE Indicator 4.13, which measures teachers reporting being supported by school management and INEE Indicator 4.15 which measure teacher participation in coaching and mentoring.


7) Related indicators: 


        - 4.13 % of teachers reporting being sufficiently supported by school leadership

        - 4.14 % of teaching personnel participating in collaborative opportunities with other teachers/administrators

        - 4.15 % of teaching personnel participating in ongoing coaching/mentoring sessions

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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