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Adequate WASH Services and Hygiene Practices

Indicator Phrasing

% of target population with adequate WASH services and hygiene practices
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target population with adequate WASH services and hygiene practices

French: % de la population cible ayant des services WASH et des pratiques hygiéniques adéquats

Spanish: % de la población objetivo con servicios adecuados de WASH y prácticas de higiene

Portuguese: % da população-alvo com serviços de água higiene e saneamento (WASH) e práticas de higiene adequados

Czech: % cílové populace s adekvátními WASH službami a praktikami

What is its purpose?

This indicator is one of ECHO's Key Outcome Indicators (KOI). It is a composite indicator (consisting of several sub-indicators) assessing the target group members' satisfaction with the extent to which their basic WASH needs are met and the extent to which they follow essential hygiene practices.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

According to ECHO's guidance, the indicator's value should be calculated as the average percentage of the following indicators' value:

  > % of the population considering that their basic WASH needs are met

  > % of the population with adequate hygiene practices (according to SPHERE standards on appropriate use and regular maintenance of facilities and hand washing)


Guidance on collecting and analysing data on the first indicator is provided here


The second indicator's value should be calculated as the average of the following sub-indicators:

  > use of sanitation facility - see guidance here

  > maintenance of sanitation facility - see guidance here

  > hand washing with soap/ash - see guidance here


Report to ECHO not only the proportion of the target population with adequate WASH services and hygiene practices but also the value of individual sub-indicators. 

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as people with disability.

Access Additional Guidance

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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