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Water Quantity

Indicator Phrasing

% of households with at least 15 litres of safe water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene per person per day
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of households with at least 15 litres of safe water for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene per person per day

French: % de ménages disposant d'au moins 15 litres d'eau potable pour la consommation, la cuisine et l'hygiène personnelle par personne et par jour

Spanish: % de hogares con al menos 15 litros de agua potable, para cocinar y para la higiene personal por persona y día

Portuguese: % de agregados familiares com pelo menos 15 litros de água segura para beber, cozinhar e higiene pessoal por pessoa por dia

Czech: % domácností s alespoň 15 litry bezpečné vody k pití, vaření a osobní hygieně na osobu na den

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion of households whose members collect a sufficient quantity of safe water for meeting their needs (the amount of 15 litres is based on the Sphere Standards).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the household members responsible for water collection:



(ask the following question only if you have not asked it in the previous sections of the questionnaire)

Q1: How many children and adults currently live in your household? 

A1: ............ specify the number of children 


Q2: What container do you most commonly use for collecting or storing water?

A2 - specify the container's volume: ............ liters


Q3: How many of such water containers do your household members use per one day for drinking and cooking?

A3: ............ specify the number of containers 


(ask the following question only if you have not asked it earlier)


Q4: During this season, where do your household members collect water for drinking and cooking?

A4: _

1) tube well or borehole 

2) protected shallow well 

3) harvested rainwater 

4) piped water/public tap 

5) protected spring 

6) surface water source (river, stream, pond, puddles, unprotected spring) 

7) unprotected/ open shallow well

8) cart with small tank/drum

9) tanker-truck

10) other: ................................

NOTE: Only options 1 – 5 count as “safe water sources


Q5: How many of such water containers do your household members use per one day for personal hygiene?

A5: ............ specify the number of containers 


To calculate the indicator's value, take the following steps:

   1) count the number of households that are able to access at least 15 liters of water per person per day and their drinking water comes from safe water source(s)

   2) divide this number by the total number of respondents

   3) multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage

Important Comments

1) The water for drinking and cooking must come from a safe source (as defined in the Water Source indicator). 


2) Read Sphere's Water supply standard 1: Access and water quantity for a detailed breakdown of the minimum water requirements (per person) for the three main purposes - drinking, cooking and personal hygiene. 


3) Ensure that the data collectors count all people who currently live in the household, including people who are not regular household members, such as internally displaced persons.  


4) Ensure that the data collectors are familiar with the main types of water containers the respondents use and know their volume (number of liters).


5) ECHO's list of its Key Result Indicators (KRI) uses a different water supply indicator: "number of people having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use". ECHO's guidance on the use of this indicator is available below. 


6) BHA phrases the indicator differently, as "estimated safe water supplied per beneficiary in liters/person/day" and "average liters/person/day collected from all sources for drinking, cooking, and hygiene" (i.e. includes both safe and unsafe water and measures actual usage, not supply). Further information is provided in BHA's guidance Emergency application guidelines below. 


7) For emergency livestock water needs, refer to Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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