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Use of Cash/ Materials for Shelter (Re)Construction

Indicator Phrasing

number of assisted households which effectively used the provided cash/ materials for shelter (re)construction
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of assisted households which effectively used the provided cash/ materials for shelter (re)construction

French: nombre de ménages assistés qui ont utilisé efficacement l’argent / les matériaux fournis pour la (re)construction d’abris

Spanish: número de hogares asistidos que utilizaron efectivamente el dinero y los materiales proporcionados para la (re)construcción de viviendas

Portuguese: número de agregados familiares assistidos que usam efetivamente o dinheiro/material para (re)construção de abrigos

Czech: počet podpořených domácností, které efektivně využily poskytnuté peníze/ materiál pro (re)konstrukci svých přístřeší

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of households which effectively used the provided cash/ materials for the intended purpose - shelter (re)construction.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Define what “effectively used” means - as a minimum, it should mean that the cash/ materials (either all or a very high %) was used for (re)constructing the shelter. However, you might also want to add further requirements, such as (re)constructing the shelter according to certain quality standards, ensuring minimum covered floor areas, etc.


2) Assess how many households (and people) used the provided cash and/ or materials “effectively”:

  i) interview a representative sample of the beneficiaries about the extent to which they used the provided cash/ materials for the given purpose (Q1:  How much of the provided cash/ materials did you already use? Q2: How much of the cash/ materials did you use for shelter (re)construction?); enquire also about your additional requirements

  ii) select randomly a sample of the targeted shelters and visit them to observe whether the cash/ materials were used as intended + whether your additional requirements were met

Important Comments

1) Consider assessing and also reporting on the “% of households …”, so that you see the proportion of beneficiaries who used the support as intended (i.e. it will tell you how effective your project's modality has been).

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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