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Number of Affected People

Indicator Phrasing

number of people affected by a hazardous event in the past [specify number] years
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of people affected by a hazardous event in the past [specify number] years

French: nombre de personnes affectées par un événement dangereux au cours des [précisez le nombre] dernières années

Spanish: número de personas afectadas por un suceso peligroso en los últimos [especificar número] años

Portuguese: número de pessoas afectadas por um desastre nos passados [especifique número] anos

Czech: počet lidí zasažených katastrofou/ rizikovou událostí během posledních [určete počet] let

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the total number of people living in a certain area who over a given time period were affected by a hazardous event (i.e. were injured or suffered direct damage to their livelihoods or assets).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

There are two main options for how you can gain the required data:


1) Use Official Statistics: If the relevant authorities in your target area have a reliable system of collecting data on the number of affected people, use them.


2) Conduct a Survey: If there is no data available or if you do not trust the quality, conduct your own survey. Use key informant interviews (with authorities, local inhabitants, health staff, etc.) to identify the main hazardous events that occurred in the assessed area in the given time period. Subsequently, use the same method to get a reliable estimate of the number of people who were affected by these events (always cross-check the numbers from more sources).


Alternatively, you can also use both methods to maximize your data validity.

Important Comments

1) The range of "natural and man-induced hazards" can be very high. For many, it might be difficult to assess a reliable number of affected people. Consider therefore focusing on a limited number of the most important events only (note: during the endline survey, you will then have to focus on exactly the same hazards; otherwise your data will not be comparable).


2) Since many hazardous events (fortunately) do not occur very frequently, the indicator is more suitable for longer-term interventions. Alternatively, you can modify it to focus on only 1-2 frequently-occurring events, such as storms.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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