Self-Help Groups - Functionality
Indicator Phrasing
English: number of self-help groups focused on strengthening their users' preparedness for shocks that perform at least [specify the percentage] of their functions
French: nombre de groupes d'entraide axés sur le renforcement de leurs utilisateurs à la préparation aux chocs qui accomplissent au moins [précisez le %] de leurs fonctions
Spanish: número de grupos de autoayuda centrados en el fortalecimiento de la preparación de sus usuarios ante las crisis que realizan al menos [especificar el porcentaje] de sus funciones
Portuguese: número de grupos de autoajuda, focados em fortalecer a preparação dos seus utilizadores para situações de choque, que realizam pelo menos [especifique a percentagem] de suas funçõe
Czech: počet svépomocných skupin zaměřených na posilování připravenosti svých členů na krizové události, které plní alespoň [určete procento] svých funkcí
What is its purpose?
The indicator measures the number of self-help groups that perform a minimum percentage of their most important functions. It focuses on self-help groups that strengthen people's preparedness to shocks, such as burial societies or saving groups.
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define what the most important functions of the target self-help groups are, for example:
> holding regular meetings of the group members
> regularly collecting money from the users (e.g. for savings)
> providing financial assistance (e.g. loans) to the members
> ensuring relevant and up to date records of income and expenditures
> other functions depending on the self-help groups' purpose and context
2) Set the minimum number of the most important functions that need to be performed in order for the indicator to be met (for example, at least 7 out of 10 functions - 70%).
3) Assess (through interviewing the group members and the key informants, review of records, observation, etc.) whether the self-help groups perform the functions.
4) Conclude whether the self-help group performs the minimum number of the core functions; consider whether not meeting certain most crucial functions should automatically lead to marking the group as "not functional".
5) Calculate the indicator's value by summing up the number of self-help groups which perform the minimum number of their core functions.