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Protection of Public Infrastructure

Indicator Phrasing

number of [specify the type of infrastructure] protected against [specify the hazard] through the supported protection measures
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of [specify the type of infrastructure] protected against [specify the hazard] through the supported protection measures

French: nombre de [précisez le type d'infrastructure] protégé contre [précisez le danger] à travers les mesures de protection appuyées

Spanish: número de [especifique el tipo de infraestructura] protegidas contra [especifique el peligro] mediante las medidas de protección apoyadas

Portuguese: número de [especifique o tipo de infraestrutura] protegida contra [especificar o risco] através das medidas de proteção suportadas

Czech: počet [určete druh veřejné infrastruktury či služeb] ochráněno proti [určete hazard] pomocí podpořených ochranných opatření

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the number of public infrastructures that have been protected against a specific type of hazard (alternatively, you can keep it more general by saying "against multiple hazards"). The infrastructure can include, for example, health centers, sanitation facilities, schools, roads, etc.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Pre-define the main quality standards each of the surveyed constructions need to meet (review their original design).


2) Conduct technical monitoring (involving a qualified engineer) assessing whether the construction was done in the required quality.


3) Count the number of constructions meeting the pre-defined quality standards. 

Important Comments

1) Consider complementing this indicator with quantitative survey-based data assessing the "% of local inhabitants who agree with investing the resources in protecting the supported infrastructure" (and not on other, in their point of view, more important priorities).

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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