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Testing of Promoted Practices

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of trained farmers who in the past [specify the time period] tried [specify the promoted agronomic practice] on their farms
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of trained farmers who in the past [specify the time period] tried [specify the promoted agronomic practice] on their farms

French: nombre ou % d'agriculteurs formés qui, dans le passé [spécifier la période], ont essayé [précisez la pratique agronomique promue] dans leurs fermes

Spanish: número o % de agricultores formados que en el pasado [especifique el periodo de tiempo] probaron [especifique la práctica agronómica promovida] en sus explotaciones

Portuguese: número ou % de agricultores treinados que durante o(s) passado(s) [especifique o período] tentaram [especifique a prática agronómica promovida] nas suas fazendas

Czech: počet nebo % vyškolených farmářů, kteří během uplynulých [určete časové období] vyzkoušeli na svých polích [určete propagovanou zemědělskou praktiku]

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion or number of trained farmers who tried an agronomic practice promoted by your intervention on their own farms. It indicates the extent to which farmers are interested in its use.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Specify what exactly it means to try the promoted methodology – what exactly needs to be done, how, with what materials, for what purpose, etc. (for example, “establishing terraces on fields” means establishing terraces a) covered by grasses or trees; b) on contours every 1m of field elevation or at least every 15m of slope).


2) Collect the required information by asking a representative sample of trained farmers whether they (or their households’ members) have tried to follow the promoted practice. If the reply is YES, ask further questions that will help you to determine whether the practice has been followed correctly. If possible, verify the answers by conducting observations.


3) Calculate the percentage or number of farmers who a) have tried the promoted practice, and b) have tried it correctly (decide in advance which result you will use for your indicator).

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by wealth and other relevant criteria.

Important Comments

1) If you promote a larger number of practices, consider changing the indicator to “% / number of farmers who in the past [specify the time period] tried at least X out of X promoted agronomic practices on their farms” (for example, 2 out of 4).


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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