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Extent of Soil Erosion

Indicator Phrasing

number of hectares of agriculture land in the project target area affected by surface erosion
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of hectares of agriculture land in the project target area affected by surface erosion

French: nombre d'hectares de terres agricoles affectées par l'érosion de surface dans les zones cibles du projet

Spanish: número de hectáreas de tierras agrícolas en la zona objetivo del proyecto afectadas por la erosión superficial

Portuguese: número de hectares de terras agrícolas na área alvo do projeto afetada pela erosão superficial

Czech: počet hektarů zemědělské půdy v cílové oblasti projektu, která je postižena povrchovou erozí

What is its purpose?

The indicator quantifies the total area of the targeted agricultural land that is affected by surface erosion. When using the indicator, focus only on those productive agricultural lands (fields, pastures and forests) where recent farming practices caused surface erosion (which your intervention aimed to reduce).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) In cooperation with local extension workers, farmers and relevant authorities, define what criteria need to be met for each type of land (fields, pastures, forests) to be classified as affected by surface erosion (for example, the number and total length of erosion rills per m2). For each type of land, prepare observation checklists listing the main criteria.


2) Together with local farmers, the data collectors should conduct transect walks in the area you are assessing. For each area that meets the pre-defined criteria, the data collector measures its area by walking along the border of the measured areas with the GPS device having activated the area measurement function.


3) Calculate the indicator’s value by summing up the size of all the affected areas.


Important Comments

1) Since the data collection is time-consuming, the indicator is suitable only for interventions covering smaller to medium sized areas where the measurement of individual affected areas is feasible.


2) Where possible, the indicator should be used together with the Area of Degraded Land Under Sustainable Management indicator and the Fulfilment of Landscape Management Plans indicator.


3) When considering the timing of the survey, take into account the physical accessibility of the area and the cropping practices. Conduct the survey at a time when erosion is most clearly visible.


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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