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Farmers’ Cooperation

Indicator Phrasing

% of farming households whose members started cooperating on their [specify: production / marketing / advocacy] efforts and gained tangible benefits
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of farming households whose members started cooperating on their [specify: production / marketing / advocacy] efforts and gained tangible benefits

French: % de ménages agricoles dont les membres ont commencé à joindre leurs efforts de [spécifier: production/ marketing/ plaidoyer] et en ont obtenu des bénéfices tangibles

Spanish: % de hogares agrícolas cuyos miembros comenzaron a cooperar en sus esfuerzos de [especificar: producción / comercialización / promoción] y obtuvieron beneficios tangibles

Portuguese: % de agregados familiares agrícolas cujos membros começaram a cooperar nos seus esforços de [especificar: produção / marketing / advocacia] e ganharam benefícios tangíveis

Czech: % zemědělských domácností, jejichž členové začali spolupracovat na [určete: produkci / marketingu / lobbyingu ohledně] své zemědělské produkce a získali hmatatelné přínosy

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of farming households whose members started cooperating on improving their production or marketing or advocacy efforts and gained tangible benefits from such cooperation.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

In order to determine the indicator's value, you need two types of data:

  1) Number of farming households whose members cooperated on their production / marketing / advocacy efforts.   

  2) Proportion of cooperating households whose representatives report gaining tangible benefits from such cooperation.


The data can be gained either by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members: 


Q1: In the past [specify the time period], did you start cooperating with other farmers on [specify the activity]? (For example: In the past 6 months, did you cooperate with other farmers on getting your poultry vaccinated by the local vet?)

A1: yes / no


(ask the following question only if the previous response is “yes”)


Q2: Did your cooperation with other farmers on [specify the activity] bring you any tangible benefits that you would not gain if you did not cooperate?

A2: yes / no / does not know


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is “yes”; it is used to verify whether the respondent truly gained some tangible benefits)


Q3: What type of benefits did you gain?

A3: pre-define the answers based on the context of your project + include options “other – specify: …………………..” and “the respondent was not able to state any tangible benefit”



To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who cooperated with other farmers and were able to state a tangible benefit from doing so by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not know). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, wealth, location and other relevant criteria.

Important Comments

1) Consider reporting separately on 1) the proportion of target farming households that cooperated and 2) the proportion of target farming households that cooperated and gained tangible benefits.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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