Fulfilment of Landscape Management Plans
Indicator Phrasing
English: at least X out of Y Landscape Management Plans fulfilled the required minimum of their targets
French: au moins X plans de gestion du paysage sur Y ont atteint le minimum requis de leurs objectifs
Spanish: al menos X de Y planes de gestión del paisaje cumplieron el mínimo requerido de sus objetivos
Portuguese: pelo menos X dos Y Planos de Gestão Paisagísticos cumpriram o mínimo exigido de suas metas
Czech: alespoň X z Y Plánů správy krajiny dosáhlo požadovaného minima svých cílů
What is its purpose?
A Landscape Management Plan is a document outlining what will be done, by whom and by when, to rehabilitate and protect natural resources in a given area. The Plans are designed in close cooperation between local community members, extension workers and the relevant authorities. The indicator assesses the number of Landscape Management Plans which achieved a minimum proportion of their targets set for a given period (usually several months before a project ends).
How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data
Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) When supporting the creation of Landscape Management Plans, ensure that they contain specific goals, including annual, clearly measurable (and achievable) targets – especially for the time when you intend to evaluate their fulfillment.
2) Specify the required percentage (or type) of targets that each Landscape Management Plan needs to achieve in order to be considered as ‘fulfilling the required minimum of its targets’. For example, this can be 75% of its targets for the measured period. Alternatively, it can be a certain number (e.g. 4) of the most important targets and at least several (e.g. 3) additional targets (this approach is more suitable if some goals are more important than others).
3) To assess whether an Landscape Management Plan's targets were attained, compare the targets (for the monitored period) with what was actually achieved. Examples of targets include: “at least 50 hectares of land re-forested” (specifying where, how and by whom) or “at least 150 check-dams constructed and maintained” (specifying where and by whom). The comparison needs to be done by a review of secondary documents, interviews with key informants (extension workers, members of Watershed Management Committees, relevant authorities) and especially transect walks involving direct observations and measurements in the target areas.
4) To determine the indicator’s value, count the number of Landscape Management Plans' that fulfilled the required minimum of their targets.
Important Comments
1) The evaluation of whether Landscape Management Plans’ targets were achieved (to the expected extent and quality) needs to be done by qualified specialists. Extensive field observations are essential.