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Incurred Travel Costs

Indicator Phrasing

the beneficiaries’ average travel costs incurred when accessing and using the provided [specify: vouchers / cash / …]
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: the beneficiaries’ average travel costs incurred when accessing and using the provided [specify: vouchers / cash / …]

French: frais moyens de transport occasionnés par les bénéficiaires afin d’accéder et utiliser les [spécifiez: bons/ espèces/…] fournis

Spanish: los gastos medios de desplazamiento de los beneficiarios al acceder y utilizar los servicios proporcionados [especifique: cupones / dinero en efectivo / ...]

Portuguese: média dos custos de viagem dos/as beneficiários/as para aceder e utilizar os [especificar: vouchers / dinheiro /…] fornecido(s)

Czech: průměrné cestovní náklady příjemců pomoci spojené se získáváním a využíváním [určete: poukázek / hotovosti / … ]

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the beneficiaries’ average travel costs spent on accessing and redeeming the provided cash-based assistance (CBA) for the desired goods (or services). It shows whether the selected modality incurred any significant costs for the beneficiaries and helps with increasing the efficiency and appropriateness of the provided assistance.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the CBA recipients:



Q1: When coming to collect the [specify the modality], did you spend any money on travel costs?

A1: yes / no / does not remember


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: Can you please recall how much money you spent on travel costs related to collecting the provided [specify the modality]?

A2: _

1) ____ [specify the currency]

2) does not remember


Q3: When using the [specify the modality], did you have to spend any money on travelling to the sellers and back home?

A3: yes / no / does not remember


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)


Q4: Can you please recall how much money you spent on travel costs related to using the provided [specify the modality]?

A4: _

1) ____ [specify the currency]

2) does not remember



To calculate the indicator’s value, sum up the amounts spent on travel costs and divide it by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not remember).

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by location, age group, and other vulnerability criteria.

Important Comments

1) If you conduct cash transfers / voucher distributions in several phases (or in several locations), do not wait to conduct the post-distribution monitoring until all distributions are over. Starting with the monitoring immediately after the first phase / location will help you identify potential issues related to high travel costs and address them in the remaining distributions. 


2) If the transportation costs are not factored in the transfer value and significantly affect people’s purchasing power, discuss with the Cash Working Group to either factor transportation costs in the transfer value analysis, or add a top-up.


3) If many people who receive cash assistance (in general or in a specific area) incur high travel costs, discuss with the Cash Working Group the possibility of advocating for the financial service provider to dispatch mobile agents in the days of cash disbursement


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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