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Number of Cash for Work Projects

Indicator Phrasing

number of community projects completed through Cash for Work
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of community projects completed through Cash for Work

French: nombre de projets communautaires réalisés au travers du Travail contre Argent (Cash for Work)

Spanish: número de proyectos comunitarios realizados a través del programa Dinero por Trabajo

Portuguese: número de projectos comunitários completados através de Trabalho por Dinheiro

Czech: počet komunitních projektů zrealizovaných skrze systém "peníze za práci"

What is its purpose?

This indicator seeks to measure the social or community results of Cash for Work (CfW), in addition to the provision of household income to CfW participants. Examples of CfW projects include clearance of roads following a storm, construction of flood protection measures, or rehabilitating a public space.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Simply count the number of projects completed under the CfW activity. In case only one type of activity is planned, the indicator can be adapted accordingly.  For example: "X km of roads cleared through Cash for Work". 

Important Comments

1) This indicator is also applicable for monitoring “Food for Work” interventions. Food for Work may be appropriate in contexts where markets are not functioning or beneficiaries have identified protection risks associated with cash transfers.


2) As Cash for Work is a conditional cash transfer, there are also process indicators to be included within internal monitoring and evaluation plans. This is to monitor whether the approach does not have negative impacts on local markets or beneficiaries. For example, consider including the following in your regular post-distribution monitoring and context analysis:

  > Has Cash for Work programming led to a change in the labour market? (e.g. employers unable to recruit workers for commonly paid wages)  

  > Has Cash for Work programming led to a change in livelihood strategies? (e.g. farmers abandoning farming activities to take on daily wage labour)

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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