There are two ways of collecting the required data:
1) Gain the required data by reviewing the saving groups’ records. Verify them by conducting interviews with randomly selected saving group members, asking them about the loans that the records show they received.
2) Gain the required data by conducting individual interviews with all the saving group members, asking them:
Q1: In the past [specify the time period], how many times did you take out a loan from the saving and loan group?
A1: _
1) ___ specify the number
2) does not remember
Q2: Can you please tell me the value of each of the loans you took?
A2: _
1) 1st loan: __________ [currency]
2) 2nd loan: __________ [currency]
3) 3rd loan: __________ [currency]
4) 4th loan: __________ [currency]
5) does not remember / does not want to say
To determine the indicator’s value, count the total value of all the loans taken by the target saving group members.