Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of women of reproductive age:
Q1: During pregnancy, a woman may encounter severe problems or illnesses which require her to go or be taken to a health facility immediately. What symptoms would cause you to immediately go to a health facility for a medical examination?
A1: _
1) vaginal bleeding
2) fast/ difficult breathing
3) high fever
4) severe abdominal pain
5) headache/ blurred vision
6) convulsions
7) foul-smelling discharge/ fluid from the vagina
8) baby stops moving
9) leaking brownish/ greenish fluid from the vagina
10) swelling of face, hands or feet
Note: If less than three signs are stated, keep probing: “Are there any other warning signs you know?”
To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the respondents aware of at least three of the pre-defined warning signs by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.